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SaaS for business

March 06, 02023

Improvement Proposals

January 09, 02023

Content Marketing

January 05, 02023


December 22, 02022


September 14, 02022


September 14, 02022


September 13, 02022

Software teams

June 20, 02022


Say no, build slack.

April 28, 02022


January 22, 02022

Rules Of Order

November 16, 02021


October 18, 02021


What is marketing?

October 04, 02021

7 Powers

You have to take deliberate action to generate the information necessary to find the route to Power.

September 07, 02021

A Model of Business Expertise

Business expertise comes from better ways of structuring or organizing knowledge.

September 07, 02021

Long Term Thinking

August 25, 02021

Amazon 1997 Letter To Shareholders

August 02, 02021

Steve Jobs Excerpts

July 28, 02021


What is the point of meetings?

July 28, 02021

Steal These Values

Core values worth stealing.

July 25, 02021

Useful Questions

June 28, 02021

Solitude and Leadership

June 24, 02021


June 24, 02021

Business Challenges

June 23, 02021

The Irreducible Components of Leadership

June 19, 02021

Your work

The work of marketing your work is where your work begins.

May 27, 02021

Standard Automation

I very much dislike situations where I ask myself the question, β€œwhat do I do?”

October 07, 02020

Black Friday Deals

What does your β€œdeal” change for the people who didn’t choose you before?

October 01, 02020

Managing a remote team

How to manage and work with a remote team.

September 21, 02020

Perception Optimization

Optimizing the value of what you've created for a specific audience.

September 17, 02020

Marketing Differentiation

The mess of differentiation.

August 10, 02020

Marketing and Positioning

A riff on marketing and positioning

July 20, 02020

Notes from Heroic Leadership

Real leadersβ€”real heroesβ€”find fulfillment, meaning, and even success by shifting their gaze beyond self-interest and serving others.

June 17, 02020

The big problem with business

Why don't people choose you?

May 28, 02020