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Last Updated: August 08, 2021

Here’s a few different ways you can stay up to date.

Email Newsletter


I had an automated email that would send out weekly updates, but I got excited about putting a JavaScript framework everywhere, and got my account suspended until further notice.

So, while you can still sign up for my email newsletter, you likely won’t receive any emails for awhile.


Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is like a printed newspaper in text format. It’s just a bunch of items on a text file.

If you use Apple products, I lovingly recommend the free and open source RSS reader, NetNewsWire. It’s one of my favorite apps that I use.

Zapier has a list of rss feed reader apps.

This Sites RSS Feeds

I need to add more feeds, and combine some. For now, here are the feeds I have set up:

Other RSS feeds


Hopefully, I continue to update my now page with what I’m focused on at this point in my life.