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Command Line

Planted 02021-05-28

First, I’m currently running an Intel Mac, and using Homebrew as a package manager.



So You Think You Know Git - FOSDEM 2024

git status
git add <file>
git commit -m ""
git pull origin main
git push origin main

Git in two minutes


  • /scripts
  • /dotfiles

To maintain configurations across computers I keep a /dotfiles folder in Github. This folder has the .zshrc file that I use. (might be better as a Gist?)

I clone the /dotfiles folder to the Home directory.

ZSH Config

You can set $ZDOTDIR in .zshenv to specify an alternative location for the rest of your zsh configuration.

export ZDOTDIR="$HOME/dotfiles"

  • .zshenv: Read every time
  • .zprofile: Read at login
  • .zshrc: Read when interactive
  • .zlogin: Read at login, but after .zshrc
  • .zlogout: Read at logout (in login shell)

Scripts // alias

# Lists all processes running on a given tcp port
function listport {
    local port=${1:?"The port must be specified."}
    local processes=$(lsof -i tcp:"$port" | grep LISTEN)
    if [[ -z $processes ]]; then
        echo "No processes running on tcp:$port"
        echo "$processes" | awk '{print $1, $2}'
        printf "Do you want to kill the process? (y/n) "
        read answer
        if [[ $answer == "y" ]]; then
            echo "$processes" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill

# Get CPU usage for Visual Studio Code extensions
function codeplease {
    ps aux | awk 'NR==1 { print "CPU", "Extension" }\
    NR>1 {\
        if ($0 ~ /Code\.app\/Contents\/Resources\/app\/extensions/) {\
            match($0, /Code\.app\/Contents\/Resources\/app\/extensions[^[:space:]]+/);\
            print $3, substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)\
        if ($0 ~ /\.vscode\/extensions/) {\
            match($0, /\.vscode\/extensions[^[:space:]]+/);\
            print $3, substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)\
  • browse: /scripts/
  • update: /scripts/
    • update brew and git pull /scripts and /dotfiles
  • post: /
    • create new post file and open in VS Code


  • grep
  • sed
  • wget
  • curl
  • awk (gawk)
  • FFmpeg
  • youtube-dl
  • ImageMagick
  • taskwarrior
  • jq
  • autojump
  • httrack
  • tree
  • tmux
  • htop
  • carbon-now
  • github-cli
  • ghostscript
  • comm

Handy NPM Packages

  • (Manage NPM with volta (volta install npm@7))
  • Release: automatically generates a new GitHub Release and populates it with the changes (commits) made since the last release
  • npm-check-updates: ncu -i
  • npkill
  • npm-home
  • carbon-now-cli
    • carbon-now <file> -l $HOME/documents/carbon-images
    • carbon-now -l $HOME/documents/carbon-images --from-clipboard

Awesome lists:

Basic Terminal Things

Keyboard shortcuts in Terminal on Mac


iTerm2 Features

  • Autocomplete: Command + ;

iTerm2 Cheatsheet

Turn on Natural Text Editing

pipes |

The Pipe character | is used to combine two or more commands, and in this, the output of one command acts as input to another command


cat is mostly used for displaying, combining and creating text files.


Grep lets you search files for text that matches a pattern.

Wizard zines on grep


Sed is mostly used for replacing text in a file.

Wizard Zine about sed

You can replace day with night in a file with: sed 's/day/night/' sample.txt

The sed substitute command has four parts:

  • Substitute command: s
  • Delimiter: /../../
  • Regular Expression Pattern Search Pattern: day
  • Replacement string: night

An introduction and tutorial to Sed


  • sed -i ""

Pattern Flags

  • /../../g Global replacement

Use sed on inline string

echo "string" | sed 's/ring/yle/'
# // style

Delete the first instance of a specific character

Delete an ‘a’ from a file: sed 's/a//' sample.txt

Delete all instances of a specific character

Delete every ‘a’ from a file: sed 's/a//g' sample.txt

Delete or substituting string

Delete “windows” with “Mac”: sed 's/Mac/windows//' sample.txt


Delete first character in every line: sed 's/^.//' sample.txt

Delete last character in every line: sed 's/.$//' sample.txt

Delete the first and last character in every line: sed 's/.//;s/.$//' sample.txt

Delete everything in a line followed by a character: sed 's/a.*//' sample.txt


ps shows what processes are running. You can use the ps command to find the process identifier (PID) of a process.

You can use the PID to kill the process

Wizard zine for ps

Awk, sed, grep

Package things (Homebrew)

First, make sure you have Homebrew installed.

Brewfile tips

Create a Brewfile

brew bundle dump --file=~/dotfiles/Brewfile --force


wget is a package for retrieving files with the most widely used Internet protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and FTPS). It’s strong point is recursive downloads.

Spider mode

wget --spider -r 2>&1 | tee crawl.txt

Get unique urls from crawl

grep -Eo 'https?://[^ ]+' crawl.txt | sort -u > unique_urls.txt

Get unique folders from crawl (the sed part removes trailing slashes to deduplicate)

grep -Eo 'https?://[^ ]+' crawl.txt | grep -Eo '(https?://[^/]+/[^ ]+)' | sed 's/\/$//' | sort -u > unique_folders.txt


curl is a library for transferring data with URLs. It’s great for testing APIs.

Wizard zines for curl


  • Show response headers: -i
  • Show only response readers: -I
  • Make a POST request: -X POST
  • Add a header: -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  • POST data: --data '{"name": "Lukas"}'
  • Follow 3xx redirects: -L
  • Show request headers and stuff: -v

awk (gawk)

AWK is a programming language for manipulating columns of data. gawk is the GNU implementation of awk with extensions.

Wizard Zines on awk


FFmpeg is a package to record, convert and stream audio and video.

ffmpeg buddy

# Convert .mp4 to .mp3
ffmpeg -i FILE-TO-CONVERT.mp4 -q:a 0 -map a OUTPUT-FILE-NAME.mp3

# Convert .mov to .mp4
ffmpeg -i -vcodec h264 -acodec mp2 OUTPUT-VIDEO.mp4

# Combine video files
ffmpeg -safe 0 -f concat -i fileCombine.txt -c copy output.mp4
## fileCombine.txt
### file ./
### file ./



youtube-dl is a package to download videos from YouTube and a few more sites.

# Download video from YouTube
youtube-dl --recode-video mp4 VIDEO-LINK-OR-PLAYLIST-ID

# Download audio from YouTube
youtube-dl -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 VIDEO-LINK-OR-PLAYLIST-ID

# Download single Frame image from YouTube
ffmpeg -ss "[SCREENSHOT_TIME]" -i $(youtube-dl -f 22 --get-url "[YOUTUBE_URL]") -vframes 1 -q:v 2 "[FILENAME].jpeg"



ImageMagick is a package to create, edit, compose, or convert images.

Fred’s ImageMagick Scripts

# Convert image (webp to jpg)
magick INPUT.webp OUTPUT.jpg

# Bulk image convert (web to jpg)
magick mogrify -format jpg *.webp

# JPG compression
convert INPUT.jpg -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 85 -interlace JPEG -colorspace RGB OUTPUT.jpg


Docker delivers software by isolated containers.

# Get Jekyll in docker or something
docker run --rm --volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll" -p 4000:4000 jekyll/jekyll jekyll serve

Docker-compose up


Taskwarrior manages a TODO list from the command line.

Taskwarrior examples

Taskwarrior best practices

# Add a project and assign it a project
task add project:{PROJECT} {INSERT TASK}

# Add a due date where appropriate:
task {ID} modify due:31st

# When you start working on a task, mark it started
task {ID} start

# If you know the priority of the task
task {ID} modify priority:{L,M,H}

# Add useful tags:
task {ID} modify +{TAG} +{TAG}

# Urgent next task?
task {ID} modify +next

# Represent dependencies where appropriate
task {ID} modify depends:{OTHER_ID}

Taskwarrior date synonyms


jq is a command-line JSON processor.


autojump is a faster way to navigate your filesystem.




Idk bouta figure this out though.

Tmux cheatsheet

Start tmux in iTerm2: tmux -CC


Github CLI

GitHub CLI brings GitHub to your terminal.

Github CLI command list

Get notifications: gh api notifications

Only get the info we want: gh api notifications | jq '.[] | {title: .subject.title, repository:}'


Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript® language and PDF files.

# Combine PDFs into one
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=merged.pdf file1.pdf file2.pdf

# Combine all files current directory into a file outside the directory
gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=../merged.pdf $(echo $(ls))

macOS command-line tools you might not know about