Money Desires
Planted 02020-04-18
If you want to make more money there are a few things you can do.
If you desire money, you must perform the desires of those who hold it.
Capitalism has three users:
- Workers
- Owners
- Markets (groups of people based on psychographic and demographics)
Capitalism is built on the idea that:
- Workers will trade time for money with owners
- Owners will trade products for money with markets
This naturally creates a class struggle between owners and workers as owners seek to maximize work and minimize pay, the workers seek to maximize pay and minimize work.
If you want to make more money there are a few things you can do.
2 ways the working class can earn more money:
- Increase hours
- Increase wage (raise, upskill, change jobs)
3 ways the owning class can earn more money:
- Increase number of customers
- Increase transaction size (pricing, up-selling)
- Increase frequency of purchase (subscriptions)
The workers must serve the desires of the owners.
The owners must serve the desires of the markets.
For workers, a single moment of garnered dislike from a single person can put them out of work.
For owners, nearly all attention is good attention.
Most of us value trust over commotion. But not everyone.