Dev Timeline
Planted 02022-09-14
Note: Some dates are certainly wrong. Some represent v1.0 while others represent whatever Wikipedia says.
Operating systems
- 1985 Microsoft Windows
- 1991 Linux kernel
- 1993 NetBSD
- 1993 Debian GNU/Linux
- 1993 FreeBSD
- 1996 OpenBSD
- 2001 macOS
- 2002 Arch Linux
- 2002 Haiku
- 2003 NixOS
- 2003 Fedora Linux
- 2004 DragonFly BSD
- 2004 Ubuntu
Programming languages
- 1957 FORTRAN
- 1959 COBOL
- 1960 Lisp
- 1964 BASIC
- 1970 Pascal
- 1972 Smalltalk
- 1972 C
- 1975 Scheme (lisp)
- 1977 AWK
- 1982 PostScript
- 1984 CommonLisp
- 1985 C++
- 1986 Erlang
- 1987 HyperTalk
- 1987 Perl
- 1989 Bash
- 1990 Haskell
- 1990 Z shell
- 1991 HTML
- 1991 Python
- 1993 R
- 1993 Lua
- 1995 PHP
- 1995 JavaScript (now ECMAScript)
- 1995 Java
- 1995 Ruby
- 1996 CSS
- 1996 OCaml
- 1997 Squeak (lisp)
- 2000 C#
- 2004 Scala
- 2005 F#
- 2006 Windows Powershell
- 2007 Clojure (lisp)
- 2009 Go
- 2011 Kotlin
- 2012 TypeScript
- 2012 Julia
- 2012 Elixir
- 2014 Swift
- 2015 Rust
- 2015 Raku (Perl 6)
- 2016 Zig
A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages
CMS (Content management systems)
- 2000 Umbraco
- 2001 Movable Type
- 2001 Drupal
- 2002 Apache Roller
- 2002 MediaWiki
- 2003 WordPress
- 2009 dotCMS
- 2009 Apache Sling
- 2013 Ghost
- 2022 Microfeed
Web servers
- 1995 Apache HTTP server
- 1995 Microsoft IIS (internet information services)
- 2003 lighttpd
- 2004 nginx
- 2014 OpenBSD httpd
- 2015 Caddy
HTTPs tunnels
- awesome tunneling
- 2013 ngrok
- 2018 Cloudflare Tunnel (formerly Argo Tunnel)
Password managers
- 1995 MySQL
- 1996 PostgreSQL
- 2000 SQLite
- 2009 MariaDB
Non SQL databases (Structured storage)
- 2003 Memcached
- 2005 Apache CouchDB
- 2009 MongoDB
- 2009 Redis
- 2013 FoundationDB
- 2016 Clickhouse
Web frameworks
Server side web frameworks
- 2002 ASP.NET
- 2004 Ruby on Rails
- 2005 Wt
- 2005 Apache Wicket
- 2005 Django
- 2006 CodeIgniter
- 2008 Mojolicious
- 2010 Yii
- 2010 Flask
- 2010 Express
- 2011 Laravel
- 2013 LoopBack
- 2014 Spring Boot
- 2016 NestJS
Client side web frameworks
- 2007 jQuery UI
- 2010 SproutCore
- 2010 Backbone.js
- 2010 AngularJS
- 2010 Knockout.js
- 2011 EmberJS
- 2012 Marko
- 2012 MeteorJS
- 2013 ReactJS
- 2014 Vue.js
- 2016 Svelte
- 2019 Alpine
- 2021 Unpoly
- 2021 Solid
Static site generators
- 2008 Jekyll
- 2009 Middleman
- 2009 Octopress
- 2010 Hakyll
- 2010 Pelican
- 2012 Sculpin
- 2012 Hexo
- 2013 Hugo
- 2014 Metalsmith
- 2015 Zola
- 2015 Gatsby (now full stack)
- 2016 Next.js (now full stack)
- 2016 Nuxt.js (now full stack)
- 2017 React-static
- 2017 Docusaurus
- 2017 Eleventy (11ty)
- 2017 Sapper
- 2018 VuePress
- 2018 Gridsome
- 2019 RedwoodJS
- 2019 Scully
- 2020 Bridgetown
- 2020 VitePress
Partial hydration
Full stack web frameworks (PESPAs: Progressively Enhanced Single Page Apps)
- 2020 Blitz.js
- 2021 Remix
- 2022 Fresh
- 2022 SvelteKit
- 2022 SolidStart
No code web frameworks
- 2017 Retool
- 2021 Airplane
- 2022 Microsoft Power Pages
CSS frameworks
- 2011 Bootstrap
- 2011 Foundation
- 2017 Tailwind CSS
- 2021 Vanilla extract
- 2021 Stitches
- 2006 Amazon Web Services: AWS EC2
- 2008 Microsoft Azure: Windows Azure Platform
- 2008 Google Cloud Platform: GCP App Engine
- 2011 Digital Ocean
- 2014 AWS Lambda
- 2015 Netlify
- 2015 Vercel (Zeit)
- 2018 Render
- 2018
- 2021 Cloudflare Pages
Object Storage
Misc storage
Identity management
- 2014 Keycloak
- 2016 GoTrue
- 2020 SuperTokens
- 1998 Postfix
- 2002 hMailServer
- 2003 Apache James
- 2011 Haraka
- 2013 OpenSMTPD
- 2002 Dovecot
- 2008 DKIMproxy
- 2001 Apache SpamAssassin
- 2003 OpenBSD spamd
Email clients
- 1995 Mutt
- 2003 Thunderbird
- 2007 Alpine
- 1950 Alan Turing publishes Computing Machinery and Intelligence
- 1997 IBM Deep Blue beats reigning world chess champion, Garry Kasparov
- 2011 IBM Watson beats two greatest Jeopardy! champions
- 2016 Google AlphaGo beats Lee Sedol in Go
- 2020 OpenAI releases GPT-3
- 2021 OpenAI releases DALL-E
- 2022 Google DeepMind releases Gato
- 2022 Midjourney released
- 2022 OpenAI releases ChatGPT
- 2022 OpenAI releases general-purpose speech recognition model Whisper
- 2023 OpenAI releases GPT-4
- 1969: Email
- ~1980: BBS
- 1988: IRC
- 1991: first HTML spec
- 1994: first CSS spec
- 1995: Mocha -> LiveScript -> JavaScript
- 1996: Flash
- 1997: AOL Instant Messenger
- 2000: Sourceforge
- 2001: first iPod
- 2001: Drupal
- 2003: Wordpress
- 2003: LinkedIn
- 2003: Skype
- 2004: Facebook
- 2004: Rails
- 2005: Reddit
- 2006: jQuery
- 2007: first iPhone
- 2007: MooTools
- 2006: AWS EC2
- 2006: Twitter
- 2008: Github
- 2008: Stack Overflow
- 2009: Node.js
- 2010: NPM
- 2010: Instagram
- 2011: Ember.js
- 2011: Snapchat
- 2012: Typescript
- 2013: Docker
- 2013: React.js
- 2014: Kubernetes
- 2014: AWS Lambda
- 2015: VS Code
- 2017: Web Components v1
- 2017: WebAssembly
- 2020: Flash officially discontinued
- 2022: GitHub Copilot
- 2022: iPod discontinued