Planted 02020-08-02
You don’t need a degree to make change happen.

Read my working document on degreeless.
Related writing about student employment.
The idea of degreeless is you don’t need a degree to make change happen.
I feel strongly about pushing this idea because it pulls people up who have been pushed down by the system.
Many people feel hopeless and have internalized the idea that they can’t make change happen.
And for everyone, we need you to connect. We need you to lead. To do work that matters for people who care.
To become someone who learns on their own rather than needing someone else to tell you.
To do work without a map, because that’s where we need to go.
The hope of degreeless is to help push out the notion that you need a degree to make change happen. Because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.
And we need you to.
The landscape of education needs to change. How? There is no right answer—I don’t think we’re even asking enough questions. But I believe in giving the next generation every opportunity we can to solve problems.
A few things questions we need to think about:
- What is school for?
- What is college for?
- What is education for?
And personally, how can we give the next generation every opportunity we can to solve problems?
I see movements—a scenius. Where people come to learn more, together.
However, we have to start by tearing down the notion that you need a degree to make change happen.
I created for those who want to learn more about marketing but don’t know where to start.
Check it out and leave a message.