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Average Day

Planted 02020-12-14

What my average day looks like across the years.


2021 was another whirlwind. I’d say the average day consisted of keeping up with school work, learning Next/React/Typescript and keeping up with my daily checks:

  • Email
  • Slack
  • Checking on iOS
    • YouTube
    • NetNewsWire
    • Readwise
    • HackerNews


We’re gonna start this and hopefully not forget about it.

(Edit) after getting this idea I’ve decided on making some changes to this site including:

  1. Changelog
  2. Add more complete dates to data (e.g. When I finished a book)
  3. Add “Want to read” book list
  4. What I’m subscribed to (Newsletters & RSS)
  5. Sections to measure reading, writing, speaking, and exercise (What I want to optimize for)
  6. Listing “Alive time” — where I pushed myself to learn and act every day

Average day in 2020 looks like checking:

  • Email
  • Slack
  • NetNewsWire
  • Hacker News

Email Newsletters:

List of emails was for sometime continued here:

See also:

NetNewsWire Feeds: