Around the web
Links I really don't want to forget.
Wow, that’s a lot! Give me something random!
A Rational Design Process: How and why to fake it
John J. Davenport
Oceans of Power and a Tincture of Reproof
How do we evaluate our lives, at the end? What counts, what matters?
Other people, and your relationships with other people. That’s it.
Everything that turned out well in my life followed the same design process
A blog post is a very long and complex search query to find fascinating people and make them route interesting stuff to your inbox
Henrik Karlsson
The Joy of Selective Attention
A Few Little Ideas And Short Stories
Collabfund, Morgan Housel
St. Thomas Aquinas: Prayer before Study
Beach Vacationers Are Doing It Wrong
To really take a break, try vigorous exercise.
influences - visakanv
Idina Menzel - You Learn to Live Without
Fill The Bathtub
Use A Work Journal To Recover Focus Faster And Clarify Your Thoughts
Multi-tenant SaaS data modeling
Flight Control
Nuclear Power, Climate Change, and the Next 10,000 Years | Ralph Cavanagh and Peter Schwartz
A Wasted Life
The Fantastic Mr Feynman
How One Small Change Broke Wikipedia's First Link Rule
What it's like to dissect a cadaver
The Five-Year Rule of Software Transitions
Early Bookcases, Cupboards & Carousels
In the Beginning was the Command Line
The Magic of Acorns
A living thing has its own agency: a kind of internal magic. It is something that grows under its own power. When I look around me, I see that some of those ‘pebbles’ have the potential to be alive. Some of those ‘pebbles’ are acorns.
James Simons - Mathematics, Common Sense, and Good Luck: My Life and Careers
A brief users guide to open space technology
Gathering Structures
How to rest
There's no such thing as a “JSON Object”
How F1 Sound Is Made
The Fantastic Mr Feynman
Avicii’s final performance in Sweden (Tallriken, Malmö, August 5, 2016)
Index to the most important knowledge in the world
Adult developmental stage theory
Making Product Value Obvious
Inside ILM | To be a Generalist
James Burke – Internet Knowledge
TBM 283: Just and But
Justers and butters save lives in different ways.
Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things
Surprise and uncertainty
Eliminate surprise and explain the circumstances and panic starts to fade.
On dedication and love for the invisible work.
The Bureaucratization of Agile
Why Bureaucratic Software Environments Aren’t Agile
JS Bloat
A transformative summer
Transitions are built around the seasons. Pigeonholes are for pigeons.
Helen (unit)
Bloom Filters
AT&T Archives: The Astonishing, Unfailing Bell System (1967)
Do Things The Long, Hard, Stupid Way
Frank Chimero
Make or buy?
Virtual Stickers to Manage Replies By
History has no lessons for you: a warning for policymakers
Internal Logic: What Is Our Business For?
Evaluating icons
The Emperor’s Old Clothes
The 1980 ACM Turing Award Lecture
It Can Be Done
A story about quality from the development of the Multics operating system.
TBM 272: The Biggest Opportunity (Part 2)
File over app
Why I Live in IRC
Instinctive sleeping and resting postures: an anthropological and zoological approach to treatment of low back and joint pain
Your Security Program Is Shit
A unified theory of fucks
Good work is the art of giving a fuck about the living.
The web, past and future | Web Foundation | Web Foundation
Why You’ve Never Been In A Plane Crash
It’s often much more productive to ask why than to ask who.
Work hard and take everything really seriously
Total Wipeout - First To Defeat The Balls! - BBC One
I don’t like that word.
Dieter Rams on Creative Engineers
Becoming Data Driven, From First Principles
On owning Software
Signing Party
V.90 Dial-up Modem Handshake - Transactional Analysis
The Stanley water bottle craze, unpacked
The ‘your own finger’ speech from Willow
Forget all you know, or think you know. All that you require is your intuition. Now, the power to control the world is in which finger?
The Complete History & Strategy of Costco
Examples of Great URL Design
The Essentials of Problem Solving
Good problems to have
Competitor Research and Strategy
Test Multiple Variables at Once
1000 Matches
Organising knowledge
The power of diagrams
How to be More Agentic
How We Turned the Tide in the Roach Wars
Relaxing Old Footage With Joe Pera
A New Mindblowing C64 Demo
An unreasonable investment
One of the best things is being alone
Your Money or Your Life
The strengths of the academic enterprise
LW: The Dark Arts
BBS: The Documentary
Mazes Sequence Summary
Modigliani–Miller theorem
The Two Types of Knowledge: The Max Planck/Chauffeur Test
Edsger Dijkstra interview
How do you drive change in company meetings?
Whenever we’re dealing with a problem and we call a meeting to talk about the problem, I always start with this structure: “We are here to solve a problem. So the one option that we know we’re not going to leave the room doing is the status quo. The status quo is off the table.”
Ask yourself dumb questions – and answer them!
Terence Tao
Respect Each Others’ Delusions
Morgan Housel
Wild Minds
Morgan Housel
Mazes Sequence Summary
How to Bounded Distrust
Long-Term News
The Myth of The 1% Better Every Day Theory
How to ship fast
Reviving decade-old Macs with antiX and MX Linux
Measurement, benchmarking, and data analysis are underrated
The Nature of Lisp
The midwit home
Less automation and less agony
Delay titles for as long as possible.
Until the Right Design Emerges...
Luke Wroblewski
Doing with Images Makes Symbols Pt 1
Alan Kay, 1987
DAK and the Golden Age of Gadget Catalogs
As We May Think
Let’s reinvent the wheel
All My Favourite Reading
Dick Fosbury: 1947–2023
Are you serious?
A press release from PRKA.
inky color scheme for prose and code
Alexey Guzey
You Can’t Control Your Data in the Cloud
Thoughts on the manual
Seth Godin
Elon Musk and the Infinite Rebuy
You just need access to enough money to keep rebuying until you succeed.
Lawrence of Arabia, The Trick is not minding that it hurts
Do Ten Times as Much
Text Posts from the Kids Group: 2022
Let’s go whaling: Tricks for monetising mobile game players with free-to-play
Starting Many Things
The Gimli Glider
Long-Form: When a botched imperial-to-metric conversion left a commercial jet with insufficient fuel, pilots had to improvise.
The car that was allergic to vanilla ice cream
The “Do Something About It” Club
Bryan Johnson Blueprint
Medicine Containers Used In the Golden Age of Piracy
Dashing dog, searching for purpose
How Native American Lacrosse Sticks Are Carved From Hickory Wood
Christoph Nakazawa - How Not to Build a Video Game, React Summit 2023
Concepts and their Consequences
Cocktail standards
Prioritise The Highest Order Bit
Use plaintext email
Never update anything
Compounding Optimism
Toddlers and behavior analytics
Hacking vs. working
Real World Divorce
Online Toyota, Lexus and Scion Parts Catalog
Chimp Empire
How To Legally Own Another Person
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
A list of interaction design books
The Rhythm of Your Screen
People will scroll
A Personal Computer for Children of ALl Ages
Alan Kay
The Father Of Mobile Computing Is Not Impressed
Introduction to Fourier Transforms for Image Processing
How Your Brain Organizes Information
Pocket Operations
A collection of drum machine patterns
Set up a new Mac, Fast
Shin Oh's 3D Pixel Rooms
Five Cents
Why Don’t We Change?
Give it the Craigslist test
Science Fiction Movie Lettering
David Hume — Why we change our mind
What I want in a job
Focusing on the Problem, Part II
John F. Schmitt
You can't parse [X]HTML with regex
So Your Kid Wants to Be a Twitch Streamer
Don’t panic. Instead, teach your beloved offspring to answer the Three Questions of Streaming.
The Four Hobbies, and Apparent Expertise
Saving Time: Discovering A Life Beyond the Clock | Jenny Odell
LongNow. Time is not money. Time is beans. Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.
Nabeel Qureshi: Principles
Gwern: Rare Greek Variables
Gwern: Rubrication Design Examples
Gwern: Open Questions
Thinking something nice about someone? Tell them.
Cookies by Douglas Adams
LongNow: The Organizational Continuity Project
Useful keyboard shortcuts
Elements of Rationalist Discourse
LW: Rob Bensinger
An Explorable Explanation of Signal Detection Theory
One Big Web: A Few Ways the World Works
SPQA: The AI-based Architecture That’ll Replace Most Existing Software
Fictional brands archive
Visual Simplicity vs. Information Density
Luke Wroblewski
The Law of Unintended Consequences
Some thoughts on my presentation style
Collabfund: All together now
A Eulogy for Dark Sky, a Data Visualization Masterpiece
A simple process beats a perfect process
Friction Can Be Good
Ira Glass on Storytelling
How to Invent Everything | Ryan North
On Not Taking Money for NetNewsWire
you are going to live forever
Dain Saint
Prompt Engineering Guide
Big data is dead
Visual design rules you can safely follow every time
How to Make Your Smartphone Boring
Grand Canons, a Visual Symphony of Everyday Objects
The 88x31 GIF collection
Brian Chesky, Co-Founder and CEO of Airbnb: Designing a 10-star Experience
The Oatmeal.
The Ultimate Retaliation: Pranking My Roommate With Targeted Facebook Ads
The origins of patriarchy
Good-Faith Reading vs. Adversarial Reading
How to Become Data Driven
Travelling just for the people
Derek Sivers.
Focus on the places where you feel shocked everyone's dropping the ball
Try the wacky experiment first
Try the wacky experiment first
“What do you do around here?”
There are lots of useful, honest answers.
All for love and honor
Artist Hollis Frampton explains his worth
If I can see a problem, it’s mine to solve
Asking for a sabbatical policy without feeling judged
TI-Basic interpreter written in JavaScript
The Pretty Good House
The Cab Ride I'll Never Forget
Daniel Ellsberg on the Limits of Knowledge
Kissinger hadn’t interrupted this long warning. As I’ve said, he could be a good listener, and he listened soberly. He seemed to understand that it was heartfelt, and he didn’t take it as patronizing, as I’d feared. But I knew it was too soon for him to appreciate fully what I was saying. He didn’t have the clearances yet.
Introducing not-knowing
The uncertainty Mindset
The Map of Engineering
Mapping out the entire field of engineering and all of the subdisciplines.
Swearing is Dumb
8,760 hours
How to get the most out of next year
The Limits of “Help”
A common typo
The keys are like right next to each other.
A year of new avenues
Robin Sloan
Noam Chomsky - The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine
A Plot To Overturn An American Election
Evidence Uncovered By The January 6 Select Committee
Things could be better
Boots theory
Strength Training Frequency
Less is more than enough: go to the gym less frequently but still gain strength fast enough for anyone but a bodybuilder
Underrated reasons to be thankful
50 ways to be ridiculously generous
The Disaffected PhD Skunkworks: A Story About Process Improvement
W. K. Haselden (1872-1953) A Memoir
Expectations and Reality
Morgan Housel
Have 3 signature dishes
Breakfast. Dinner entree. Side dish.
Things are in the Saddle
Samuel Strauss, 1924
Just Don’t
The word “just” is a signal that you’re not taking their problem seriously.
J. Storrs Hall on getting lost in stagnation
QR Codes
Anti-Ultraboring. How Not to Be Replaced by an Algorithm.
Paul Worthington
One-Minute Time Machine
Short Film
Big Beliefs
Morgan Housel
A Brief Disagreement
Steve Cutts
The Chaos by Gerard Nolst Trenité
Tiny Gains. Massive Results.
Farnam Street.
Engaging With History
Morgan Housel
No One Expects Young Men To Do Anything and They Are Responding By Doing Nothing
I Have Yet to Hear a Satisfactory Answer For Why Adults Care What Young People Think
Tangle Logic
ε/δ Thinking
Doug Engelbart’s design for knowledge-based organizations
Toni Kurz and the Insanity of Climbing Mountains
Rare Skills
Morgan Housel
Five lessons from history
Morgan Housel
GIMP Print
Keeping it simple
Revision Checklist for Essays & Short Stories
Reject the Algorithm
Of dollars and data
The last answer short story
There’s no such thing as atheism
Mike Crittenden
Learning the elite class
How To Explain Things Real Good
Nicky Case.
Storytelling — Tellability
How to Calm the Anxious Brain
Lawrence Yeo
Kingdom of Ends
The History of User Interfaces
The vanishing designer
Antimemetics Division Hub
In praise of shadows
Robin Rendle.
Fire And Motion
Joel Spolsky.
collaborativefund. Now it is a story between Joshua and me, between me and the sky; a story just for us, a great story that does not concern the others any more … To have the time, to have the choice, not knowing what you are heading for and just going there anyway, without a care, without asking any more questions.
Like a squirrel
Binstack: Making a maximal multi-dimensional decision
Death to Dependencies
Life Is Not Short
Metaphorical Crouching Tigers
The Artist Gives Us the Vision
On project management
Budi Tanrim.
Metaphors mold minds
Define the metaphor and the rest can follow.
Incidental learning
What Are You Tracking In Your Head?
Advice to Grads: Be Warriors, Not Wokesters
More X than any normal person would think of as reasonable.
Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy
Prestige Writing
Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?
By Design
Keep It Going
For the highest levels to be attainable over time, the process has to be sustainable.
The Road Most Traveled By
The Silent Majority of Experts
Your time may better spent getting in there and trying things rather than reading about what other people think.
Battlefield Product Management
Transactive memory
Talent book review: Zvi
Benign boundary violations
Too Far
Every good idea and every admirable trait can be taken too far.
Pop Culture Has Become an Oligopoly
500 songs
A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs
Your Attention Sucks
The coyote’s anguish
Seth Godin.
The four time buckets of managers
Marketing vs Promotion
Seth Godin.
Finding Fit
The Antilibrary
Farnam Street. Why Unread Books Are The Most Important
5 Tier Problem Hierarchy
Business Value, Soccer Canteens, Engineer Retention, and the Bricklayer Fallacy
United States of America license plate frames
Churchill’s “Brevity” memo
Schedule a block of time to play the role of the person you want to be
Data: Don't Get Your Hopes Too High
Different Kinds of BS
Failing in the trough
Actual marketing success happens after the trough, when people become loyal, when the product or service is remarkable and when the word spreads.
Traditional Web Design Process is Fundamentally Broken
Tackling Typescript
Windows 95 Startup Sound (Slowed 4000%)
Brian Eno.
How change happens
Seth Godin.
Learning to walk through walls
The Most Important Performance Management Rule For Software Engineers
Merge code every week.
The Elephant in the room: The myth of exponential hypergrowth
When Everything is Important But Nothing is Getting Done
Donald Knuth on work habits, problem solving, and happiness
Safer, Yet More Afraid Than Ever
Ted Lamade
The Rise After the Fall
Ted Lamade
Trying Too Hard
Morgan Housel.
Three ways to get paid
The Making of the MCU was a Sh*t Show (Pt 1: Forging Iron Man)
Ignoring Your Way to Success
Where should you direct your precious attention? Regrets: Foundation (do the work), Boldness (take the chance), Moral (do the right thing), Connection (reach out). That’s it. Ignore everything else.
Influence marketing, no r
Rand Fishkin
Models are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of the wise
Renewal emails and good copy
Lord give me the confidence of this dude using my DMs to record his grocery shopping list
Executive Dashboards
Tom Critchlow
Short URLs: why and how
Derek Sivers.
RSS Feed Best Practises
Getting Along Is Overrated
Chesterton’s Fence vs. The Five Monkeys
Going for baroque
Seth Godin.
Pace Layers of SEO
Tom Critchlow
The Only Unbreakable Law
Marketing’s Uncomfortable Relationship with the Truth
Marketing’s Uncomfortable Relationship with the Truth
The Endgames of Bad Faith Communication
103 Bits of Advice I Wish I Had Known
Kevin Kelly.
Feynman’s Ode to the Wonder of Life
The Details: production databases
We Need Someone Who Has Done It Before
John Cutler. Management. 1—Use old playbooks (copy and paste) 2—Combine playbooks (mix and match) 3—Adapt and customize playbooks (adapt and customize) 4—Create new playbooks (invent)
20 Classic Poems
Building a JavaScript Bundler
The Ministry of Rites and the Compassionate Man
Epsilon Theory
List of common misconceptions
Home lab beginners guide
Wikipedia. The principle that evidence from independent, unrelated sources can converge on strong conclusions.
Materialism In Society And How We Can Overcome It
Ivaylo Durmonski.
Lies Told To Children
Cocktail party ideas
Dan Luu. About people explaining how a field works or should work.
Rethinking categories of media
Seth Godin.
communication on all levels
Bookbear Express.
Can Do vs. Should Do
John Cutler. Management.
The Insanely Difficult Standards of History’s Hardest P.E. Program
Ability to See Expertise is a Milestone Worth Aiming For
You get to the higher wage group by changing the network you’re sourcing clients from.
My attempted cult recruitment
Modern marketing and hustle
What key was pressed? HTTP 203
Google Chrome Developers.
The Art of Product Management
Management. Why and How to Develop the Essential Human Skills
Learn About Concept Maps
CMAP Software.
Provable Marketing Attribution is a Boondoggle; Trust Your Gut Instead
Rand Fishkin
This is why you shouldn't interrupt a programmer
The surprising thing about expectations
Seth Godin
How To Criticize Coworkers
Alex Turek. Management.
Counter-theses on Sleep
Safer, Yet More Afraid Than Ever
A few things to know before stealing my 914
How to do less
You probably need to do fewer things right now.
Take This Job And...
A resume
GitHub Actions by Example
Models of human relationships – tools to understand people
Apple design, squircles, and curvature
You are not your name: Hacker News Discussion
What the world needs is people who have come alive.
Mike Crittenden
The Pyramid of Leisure
Managing Expectations by finding Good Comparisons
Tom Critchlow
Mastodon 3.5 Hacker News Discussion
Noise cancellation for development
Jon Bellion - Beautiful Mind Documentary
Towards a Unified Theory of Web Performance
Alex Russell.
Hard to work with
If You Make Money Every Day, You’re Not Maximizing
You can’t delight users you’ve annoyed
The Location Field Is the New Command Line
John Gruber
Choose Your Status Game Wisely
Nick Maggiulli
Just One More
Nick Maggiulli
The Story of Next.js
The Birth & Death of JavaScript
A talk by Gary Bernhardt from PyCon 2014
Stop asking for general solutions to specific problems
Mike Crittenden
Eight Laws of Statistics
Chance is lumpy, overconfidence abhors uncertainty, never flout a convention just once, don’t talk Greek if you don’t know the English translation, if you have nothing to say, don’t say anything, there is no free hunch, you can’t see the dust if you don’t move the couch, criticism is the mother of methodology.
We have a hole in the floor
The most useful thing we can do is to be constructive, roll up our sleeves, and take action.
Brains Podcast: Tim Urban.
Stay on the bus
It’s the separation that makes all the difference.
How the Ancient Greeks Invented Programming
Weasel word
Words to Avoid (or Use with Care) Because They Are Loaded or Confusing
GNU Philosophy
I hate almost all software
Where do symbols live
If you want to turn your object into a more powerful symbol, it might pay to get rid of the object.
Aldous Huxley Narrates a One-Hour Radio Dramatization of Brave New World
Ancestors, Luck, and Descendants
Derek Sivers. The choices of your ancestors led to the circumstances of your life. And the choices you make will affect the lives of your descendants for many generations to come.
Derek Sivers
Ways to Expand Your SaaS Business
Go up market, go down market, expand product lines, expand industries, add services, expand geographies.
But life had other plans ...
Acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them
A desk calendar that displays the weather forecast and phase of the moon on an e-ink display.
Guiding Principles Behind the Readymag User Interface
Highlights from Patricia Lockwood’s No One Is Talking About This
Our Fundamental Right To Shame And Shun The New York Times
Carl Sagan: reinvent the universe
If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
Rhyme-as-Reason Effect
Why Rhyming Makes Messages More Persuasive
The Federation Fallacy
We need information democracy.
How People Think
Morgan Housel
Social Justice and words, words, words
Loving someone with depression
Plaintext Productivity
Against credentialism
Tyler Cowen
A Taxonomy of Video Game Difficulty
People can read their manager's mind
If You Don't Like It
Bryan Caplan
Thesis on Sleep
How Google, Twitter, and Spotify built a culture of documentation
The Consultant’s Stance
Tom Critchlow
Great Depression or Bust
Nick Maggiulli
Useful Books
community, process, and tools to help you write great nonfiction, from first idea to first edition
How on earth I became an entrepreneur
My list of my lists
Mike Crittenden
WINTER & COMPANY product selector
inspiration as well as a digital pattern card: discover and compare over 1300 products
Horizontal scrolling nav
In Search of a Local-First Database
Jared Forsyth
Indie Microblogging
Manton Reece
On the hook
Seth Godin. It’s scary. That’s the point.
The Uniformity and Exclusion Movement
Bryan Caplan
Idyll: create explorable explanations
Arun Desk Setup
Everything about Framer Motion layout animations
Mindset That Kills Product Thinking
The Wicked Problem Experience
The Long Strange Trip to Java
Don’t flip the bozo bit
Everyone has something to contribute. Instead of flipping the bozo bit on the idiot, talk to them about it.
The Freedom of the University
Edward Tufte Interview
there are only two industries which refer to their customers as users, drugs and computers.
Natural Thinker
Mind the Moat, a 7 Powers Review
Florent Crivello.
Own the Demand
Owning demand. Aggregate the demand side.
Rant about feed readers and crawlers
Evolution in software
Poison for the Heart
The fish trap exists because of the fish; once you have the fish, you can forget the trap. Words exist because of meaning, once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can have a word with him?
Don't build (or build) that feature
A simple, opinionated tool for helping decide whether a software feature is worth building.
All desktop calculators are wrong
How to learn JavaScript
Derek Sivers
Intro to Naturalism: Knowing
there are points, and there are paintings we superimpose upon them, and that these things are different. That the constellations are of a wholly different nature than the stars. … Knowing the territory takes patient and direct observation
Intro to Naturalism: Orientation
Always Go To The Funeral
Punctuated equilibrium
Misidentifying talent
Dan Luu.
Losing My Religion
Robin Hanson.
Selling to the Enterprise: Be Enterprise-Ready
The Peak–End Rule
Our memories focus on the way an experience ends.
Casualties of your own success
Morgan Housel
Delegation is an art, not a science
Management. Lara Hogan.
A user guide to working with you
An example from Adam Nathan.
Transit Panel
A web app on a tablet by a front door that tells you when you should leave to catch the next train.
How I See Numbers
Hacker News discussion
Bryan Caplan. The Unforgivable Heuristic.
The habit or act of giving opinions on matters outside the scope of one’s knowledge. Don’t be an ultracrepidarian. Advice is a last resort.
Counterintuitive Marketing Strategies That Actually Work
Marketing. Sparktoro.
Makes you think
Morgan Housel.
Deceit, Desire, and the Literature Professor: Why Girardians Exist
Time to upgrade your monitor
Universal bad data
Do not try, do
Don't point out something wrong immediately
Learning by Writing
Forgotted coffee makers
The mathematics of ignorance
Rational Animations.
What makes writing more readable?
Pudding. Plain language.
People don't work as much as you think
Against the survival of the prettiest
Theses on Sleep
Alex Guzey.
Convoy crackdown
The Poison Papers
Documenting the Hidden History of Chemical and Pesticide Hazards in the United States
Where are our design heroes?
Van Schneider
to keep, to fall, to break away
Growing old
Cargo Cult Startups
Luke Burgis.
Putting ideas into words
Don‘t point out something wrong immediately
Littlewood’s Law and the Global Media
Problems are grwoth pathways
It becomes a part of your growth. It pushes you out of your comfort zone, that’s all.
Leaders show their work
Ben Balter.
Broken Koans
Semantic Stopsigns
Why date-ing is hard
On Disagreement, Again
Robin Hanson
Write to give yourself advice
Dunbar’s other numbers
Inside look at modern web browsers
Everything I Know About Life I Learned From PowerPoint
How to Write 3v1L, Untestable Code
Fail Scout
A crowdsourced collection of broken and worn-out products
Crafting interpreters
The twelve-factor app
Models of human relationships – tools to understand people
Tools: Ribbonfarm
Pay attention to WebAssembly
To all early stage founders, let me save you two years of flailing. Whatever idea you have, just pivot to building infrastructure for that idea instead.
Notes Against Note-Taking Systems
How Note Taking Can Help You Become an Expert
Do I Have Your Attention Now?
Every day your attention is getting more valuable. How will you invest yours? The choice is yours. Because if you don’t make it, someone else will make it for you.
Akimbo: A Podcast from Seth Godin. Dancing with Time
We offer people dignity by seeing them.
The Swyx Mixtape: Audience: The Copyblogger Formula [Tim Stoddart]
Cancel Culture Is a Moral Panic
After The Fact
Morgan Housel. Everything has a price, and prices aren’t always clear.
Non-fungible People (NFPs)
Most people are easily replaceable given sufficient time to do a proper search. But there are always a few people who are not replaceable. Identifying them and retaining them should be a key goal of the management of the business.
Caching Header Best Practices
A comprehensive guide to creating intuitive context menus
What Was the TED Talk?
Demo: Disabling JavaScript Won’t Save You from Fingerprinting
Costco and deterrents
Deterrents matter. It helps to be thoughtful about them.
Unlearning Perfectionism
Do things, tell people.
Steve Jobs introduces the App store - iPhone SDK Keynote
Introduction to Prediction Markets, Robin Hanson
David Foster Wallace discusses Consumerism (2003)
Learning a techinical subject
Practices of Viewing
Techniques filmmakers have used since the invention of film but are now within the control of home viewers.
Risk means more things can happen than will happen.
Springboard: the secret history of the first real smartphone
Twitter Thread on business frameworks
David Perell.
Most advice is pretty bad
Good advice: is not obvious, is actionable, is based on true insight.
A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden
A newly revived philosophy for publishing personal knowledge on the web
The thoughts of others
If you cannot anticipate the next thought and point of logic that your partner in dialogue will provide, then you fail to understand their point of view.
What's Reverse ETL?
Getting your data OUT of your warehouse.
Working with Integrity
Don’t exaggerate, stop trying to be liked, admin when you don’t know, be consistent.
Foreign Policy Is Incoherent
U.S. foreign policy is less due to some persistent grand national strategy than to inconsistent lobbying pressures of various political groups.
The Psychology of Misinformation
summarizing what psychological factors are linked to belief in (mis)information, and approaches for combatting misinformation belief and sharing.
Don't Shine The Turd
If something is shit, don’t hide it. Because eventually, I’ll smell it.
CSS-only External Link Favicons
Reflections on six months of fatherhood
Making Uncommon Knowledge Common
Winning markets through Data Content Loops. Rich Barton. Expedia, Glassdoor, Zillow.
The Banality of Genius
Why do tech startups still hire so many people? Given the well-documented costs (both direct and indirect) of increasing the size of organizations, why do so many tech companies still grow so quickly?
Small teams can achieve a lot, but most people are average. Almost no startup can reliably get better-than-average people for non-founder positions.
No big deal or the end of the world?
People don’t like to have their grievances downplayed or dismissed.
Big Skills
Morgan Housel. Most things that look like superpowers are just a bunch of ordinary skills mixed together at the right time.
Seven Ineffective Coding Habits of Many Programmers
Kevlin Henney. Noisy code, Unsustainable spacing, Lego naming, Underabstraction, Unencapsulated state, Getters and setters, Uncohesive tests
Flat Jobs and Thick Desires
Luke Burgis
Death by a thousand A/B tests
A/B testing hundreds of pieces of dogshit won’t alchemically turn that shit into gold. It’ll still be shit even after you’ve finished optimizing it.
The Presence Prison
Jason Fried. I’m trying to do my job, please respect my time and attention.
Stop brainstorming
Ideas are best developed by individuals.
The Best Way to Learn From Other People's Experiences
Healthy organizations decide how they decide
Autonomous, advice, and consent-based decisions
Craig Clemens twitter thread
Your customer cares literally zero about your company, your story, your brand, or even your product. What they do care, is what it can do for them. Don’t fight this, embrace it.
The Political Meaning of Colors Around the World
Consider SQLite
Alasdair Chalmers MacIntyre
TypeScript Cheat Sheets
Functional Programming and Monads
On talking to think better
Your Value Comes From Your Output
Daniel Miessler. A seat at the table is earned by producing something of value.
Find your cohort. The generous ones.
Action!, the worlds first dynamic interface builder - 1988
PowerPoint Remix
Aaron Swartz. Edward R. Tufte’s “The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint” Presented in the Form of a PowerPoint Presentation.
Take This Job And...
Greg Bulmash. Truthful resume.
The US government's web traffic
Official data on web traffic to hundreds of US federal government websites.
Atomic Habits of Desire
Luke Burgis.
Start a project with alignment
Budi Tanrim.
In place of a legal notice, here is a blessing
Jon Hamm Narrates Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Updated for the Timeline Era
How I practice at what I do
Tyler Cowen. “What is it you do to train that is comparable to a pianist practicing scales?” If you don’t know the answer to that one, maybe you are doing something wrong or not doing enough. Or maybe you are (optimally?) not very ambitious?
Paul Graham.
Science in a High-Dimensional World
All the other variables in the universe are irrelevant, we only need to measure/control the control variables each time we want to reuse the model.
Best Case Contrarians
Robin Hanson.
Imperative vs Declarative Programming
Buy Things, Not Experiences
A Grand Unified Theory of Buying Stuff
So you've acquired a new thing. And now you want accessories. Ask yourself: Will the potential experience be worth the cost to the supply chain?
Building personal moats and killer features
The value of paradoxes and taking psychological moonshots.
Davaslife sets up his M1 Max MacBook Pro
With apps he uses for app development.
The Gift of It's Your Problem Now
Paying for gifts does not work.
Pentagon Wars - Bradley Fighting Vehicle Evolution
Design by committee. This is what we’re building?
The Age of the Essay
Paul Graham.
Storytelling: Narrative Wet Bulb Temperature
Ribbonfarm. Narrative-context fit.
Your team needs a guide to working with you
An Inconvenient Truce
Epsilon Theory. The truce doesn’t have to last forever. But there is no better way to learn how much of the fight is yours than to discover who finds it most inconvenient to see you at peace.
Make your own unique messes
Letters of note. Alan Rickman. Make your own unique messes, and then work your own way out of them.
Long Distance Thinking
What else has been hidden by summary? What thoughts must we resist abridging? Those giant sequoias echo a reminder to ask ourselves, what are the unseen things today that could be growing?
I like half of my job
Randomly Bouncing Balls Arrange Themselves Into Satisfying Patterns
The most satisfying video.
Harder, easier and more convenient
The battle for most convenient is fierce. It might be easier to stake out your claim to interactions and products that are less convenient, but worth it.
Facilitation: Managing discussions
Will Larson Index of writing on hiring
Notational intelligence
Sephist. We think in languages; we think with notations. Inventing better notation is a cheap, universally useful way to increase our effective intelligence.
Toni Morrison’s Ten Steps Towards Fascism
Make beautiful gradients
Josh W Comeau.
The Righteousness Fix
Addiction isn't just somebody else's problem. Most of us, whether we be timid or bold, liberal, conservative, or (especially) some version of radical, are prone to imbibing heady infusions of the stuff. Viewing ourselves as “good,” in fact we become grievously toxic, literally intoxicated. In this poisonous state of mind we are able to write off others — often literally billions of others — without hesitation or remorse, because they are “bad.”
Being Mid-Career Sucks: The Context Crisis
Brand Naming Process
You Don't Need a Mentor—Find a Nemesis Instead
Your nemesis will teach you things that no mentor can. The nemesis can push buttons you didn’t even know were there to be pushed. The nemesis may bring out the worst in you, but if you manage the situation effectively, also the best.
Mono no aware
a sensitivity to ephemera
Epsilon Theory Manifesto
What is “Seeing The Matrix” For A Product Leader?
Intentionally Unoptimized
Don’t let data drive you. Use it as a fallible indicator of progress towards the ineffable quality of a meaningful impact.
Hugging the X-Axis
David Perell.
Hard Edges, Soft Middle
Category Theory for Programmers
Seed-Stage Positioning: Lock and Load
Kellblog. At seed-stage your job is simple: explain what the product is in the clearest simplest, shortest form possible. Anything more than that is wasted effort, better spent on engaging with more people instead of further honing the message.
Steve Jobs 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
Off Kilter Volume 90: Branding friction
The goal of brand design shouldn’t be the removal of friction; it should be harnessing it and turning it into something unique. The goal isn’t to make everything the same, familiar and comfortable, and remove all friction to the point that your brand becomes so generic that it could be any brand. Instead, the goal is to do the unexpected and create a memorable friction. To actively avoid what everyone else is doing precisely because it’s what everyone else is doing, no matter how nice it might be, how well designed, how aesthetically pleasing, or how comfortable. Why? Because we’re not in the comfort business, we’re in the branding business. And if we’re in the branding business, we’re in the standing out business.
How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet
(1999) Douglas Adams. Interactivity. Many-to-many communications. Pervasive networking. These are cumbersome new terms for elements in our lives so fundamental that, before we lost them, we didn’t even know to have names for them.
Ten Lessons I wish I had been Taught
Gian-Carlo Rota. MIT, April 20, 1996 on the occasion of the Rotafest.
How To Think
Meta-rationality. Choosing a good vocabulary, at the right level of description, is usually key to understanding. A good problem formulation is one that exposes the information relevant to the solution, and eliminates information that is irrelevant and results in meaningless complexity.
Cognitive Load Theory and its Applications for Learning
Scott H. Young.
The ‘Stern Curve’
Designer maturity
Budi Tanrim.
Craft is Culture
Interest-First Friendships
Lawrence Yeo.
Does Not Compute
Collaborative Fund.
37 Signals Manifesto
Why You Should Ignore the Metagame
Of Dollars and Data. Unless you are prepared to become obsessed with that metagame, ignore it altogether.
The Waste Age
The UX on This Small Child Is Terrible (HN)
The UX on This Small Child Is Terrible
Be Curious
Collaborative Fund
Why Execution Matters
Kellblog. Saying a new corporate initiative failed because of bad execution is like saying a lab experiment failed because the petri dishes were dirty. It shouldn’t even be a possible cause of failure. You should have controlled for that.
Creative exhaust, the power of being open by default: Brad Frost at TEDxGrandviewAve
It’s about what you help others do.
Rapoport’s rules for ethical debate
Be Plainspoken
Andrew Bosworth.
Hunter S. Thompson’s Letter on Finding Your Purpose and Living a Meaningful Life
Farnam Street.
Managers should ask for feedback
The Gift of It's Your Problem Now
Paying for gifts.
Find the right opportunities to sponsor
Lara Hogan
The Quest to the Unlived Life
More to that.
Travel Is No Cure for the Mind
More to that.
The Many Worlds of Enough
More to that.
Pessimists sound smart. Optimists make money
The optimist will run the experiment while the pessimist is busy talking about why it won’t work. And sometimes that experiment pays off.
Tao of React - Software Design, Architecture & Best Practices
A Brief History of the Corporation: 1600 to 2100
Hackety Hack
why the lucky stiff.
Luke Burgis.
Daring Fireball. How much will I be willing to pay then to be able to go back in time, for one day, to now?
95%-ile isn't that good
Dan Luu.
Proper OKRs
Product thinking.
The power of defaults
Creative Exhaust
Brad Frost.
Getting Dramatically Better as a Programmer
Read papers and books, learn tools, record and review.
How My Genius Roommate Changed My Perspective
the depression thing
Zach Holman.
Create silly, small programs
Premortem: Making Better Decisions
Farnam Street.
Spurious Correlations
What's Happening Is...
On Schelling Points in Organizations
Working With Web Feeds: More Than RSS
The world needs more people who are two days into learning something writing about the problems of people who are one day in.
Patrick McKenzie
I Have A Few Questions
Collaborative Fund.
DHH. A single programmer today can start sooner, with less knowledge, and build better things.
Where to Innovate, Where to Imitate
360 Delegation
Changeover, Rework, and Delay of Delivery are crippling costs.
I won't let you pay me for my open source
DHH. Free to pursue intrinsic motivation from a quest for autonomy, mastery, and purpose that isn’t shackled solely to employment or business.
Lessons on B2B SaaS company marketing
Cory Haines. Onboarding, Content marketing, Conferences, Engineering as marketing, Partner & reseller programs.
The Revised Psychology of Human Misjudgment, by Charlie Munger
Farnam Street.
Thinking in OODA Loops
Scaling to $100 Million
How cloud companies grow operationally efficient businesses. ARR and Wide Margins.
The Tyranny of Structurelessness
Slack-based interviews
Influence Maps—The Best Marketing Framework You’ve Never Heard Of
Understand how people learn about and engage with your space and your marketing will be far more effective.
Choose Boring Technology
The pyramid of modern marketing
Intention. Retention. Remarkability. Permission.
Use Your Best Judgment
Don’t wait for someone else to take responsibility. Don’t wait for perfect. Don’t wait to find this exact situation in the manual or in history.
John Carmack Receives Honorary Degree
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
Joel Spolsky
Reality has a surprising amount of detail
Everything is fiddly, but you only notice the fiddliness when you’re new.
The lifeguard hack
Even if you’re not the best lifeguard in the world, and even if the water isn’t the perfect temperature, and even if you don’t quite remember how to do the latest version of the cross-chest carry… you jump in the water.
The Party Math Trick
I forgot my phone.
Interpretive Labor
Everyone interprets a given action a little differently.
How This All Happened
A short story about what happened to the U.S. economy since the end of World War II.
Move fast, but understand the problem first
If you can explain your idea to someone and finish by saying 'that's it,'' there's a decent chance you're on the right track.
Noam Chomsky - On Being Truly Educated
To know where to look, to know how to formulate serious questions, to question a standard doctrine if that's appropriate, to find your own way, to shape the questions that are worth pursuing, and to develop the path to pursue them. That means knowing, understanding many things but also, much more important than what you have stored in your mind, to know where to look, how to look, how to question, how to challenge, how to proceed independently, to deal with the challenges that the world presents to you and that you develop in the course of your self education and inquiry and investigations, in cooperation and solidarity with others.
Marketing as a Service
Seth Godin.
Split beliefs and commit
The Church of Interruption
Prove them right or prove them wrong
Where to Innovate, Where to Imitate
Long Live the Library
Every kid deserves the chance to stumble upon something that changes their life.
The Assistant, Jayme Odgers, Works for Paul Rand
Bill Gates explaining the internet in 1995
Changing the shape of the playing field: Content and the attention economy
Don’t Let Architecture Astronauts Scare You
Joel Spolsky.
Blockchain Without the Crypto
Don’t be spooky
A Reality Where CSS and JavaScript Don't Exist
Coordination Headwind
Management. How organizations are like slime molds.
Decisiveness is Just as Important as Deliberation
Effective individuals are usually effective because a) they are biased towards action, and b) they have the stomach to do what the rest of us might not.
Concentration of Force
It's often not how much force you can bring to bear, so much as whether you can apply that force effectively.
Developers spend most of their time figuring the system out
Finding Your Swagger
Sunshine on the other line
The Thanksgiving Reader
Something we can all do together, transforming our holiday into something even more memorable.
Study Guide
An Intuitive Explanation of Bayes’ Theorem
How Not To Sort By Average Rating
Culture Matters
Playing to Win
Only for those interested in winning.
Time Keeps on Slipping
Seth Godin. Akimbo.
This is Water by David Foster Wallace
Speech originally delivered by David Foster Wallace as the 2005 commencement address at Kenyon College.
The Same Stories, Again and Again
Collaborative Fund.
Obvious Always Wins
Luke Wroblewski—An Event Apart Denver 2017
Elements of debates
How to get useful answers to your questions
10 Things from The Everything Store
Farnam Street.
Guy Kawasaki podcast with Seth Godin.
Do-nothing scripting
The key to gradual automation.
Ahead of the curve
Do something weird. The world may catch up.
Question the question
Give People Something To Look At
Communication. Stay Saasy.
HTML, CSS and our vanishing industry entry points
The point of maximum leverage
We need to be clear with ourselves and with our colleagues about where that leverage point is.
Comments with domain knowledge
Think strategically at work
The Work Required to Have an Opinion
Farnam Street.
What doesn’t seem like work?
When and How to Charge for Your Content
Sam Julien.
Thoughtful Communication Makes Us Unreasonably Productive
The Feynman Algorithm
Write down the problem. Think real hard. Write down the solution.
Willingness to look stupid
my 'one weird trick' was to think about what went wrong every time something went wrong and then try to improve. But most people seemed more interested in making an excuse to avoid looking stupid … now that I've worked at various companies in multiple industries, I see that most people would choose to do the wrong thing to avoid potentially looking stupid to people who are incompetent.
We Got Here Because of Cowardice. We Get Out With Courage
Say no to the Woke Revolution.
6 Fire Lays
The Playing Field
Graham Duncan.
Don't ask to ask, just ask
Always do Extra
Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines
How to build silos and decrease collaboration (on purpose)
Two things the team need to align
Management. The first one is to align on the status quo—the current state of the problem. The second one is to align on the desired outcome.
This is How Amazon Measures Itself
Cedric Chin.
The Anatomy of an Amazon 6-pager
A deep dive into writing detailed planning docs from one of the most successful companies in the world
Shoulder Advisors 101
How to Blog
Tom MacWright.
Things You Should Never Do, Part I
Joel Spolsky.
Life by anecdote
Seth Godin.
Climbing the Wealth Ladder
The best way to climb the wealth ladder is to spend money according to your level.
Information Hazards: A Typology of Potential Harms from Knowledge
Nick Bostrom.
Strategy Letter I: Ben and Jerry’s vs. Amazon
Joel Spolsky. The decision? Whether to grow slowly, organically, and profitably, or whether to have a big bang with very fast growth and lots of capital.
Storytelling — Cringe and the Banality of Shadows
Geotargeting: The Political Value of Your Location
IoT Hacking and Rickrolling My High School District
Celebrating Steve | October 5 | Apple
The Library of Babel
Jorge Luis Borges.
Shoot Your Shot: A Guide to Effective Cold Outreach
Weak Ties & Strong Intros
How to find leads hiding in your network to generate client work.
How do you know what people have been working on?
How factories were made safe
Idea protectionism
Jason Fried.
When did you decide
Seth Godin. If it’s a habit, then it’s a decision, made consciously or not.
Don't Assume Consensus In The Absence of Objection
Consensus decision-making means everyone explicitly agreeing to the proposed idea. The leader shouldn't assume consensus in the absence of objection.
The Last Time Always Happens Now
You always know when you’re doing something for the first time, and you almost never know when you’re doing something for the last time.
Death to Bullshit
A rallying cry to rid the world of bullshit and demand experiences that respect people and their time.
Lunch Conversations With Orson Welles
Visually stunning math concepts which are easy to explain
There’s no speed limit
Derek Sivers. The standard pace is for chumps.
Sort by controversial
History's Seductive Beliefs
How To Rapidly Improve At Any Programming Language
Read other people’s PRs and learn from the comments the maintainer and others leave
The Autobiography of Frederick Taylor Gates
How to Make Smart Decisions Without Getting Lucky
Farnam Street.
The uncomfortable
The Builders High
RanWhen you choose to create, you’re bucking the trend because you’re choosing to take the time to build.
The history of boredom
My mind craves to be engaged.
Hiring Developers: How to avoid the best
Bad engineering managers think leadership is about power, good managers think leadership is about competently serving their team
Traditional management is all about establishing repeatable processes that humans will execute reliably. Software is about automating those processes so the humans don’t have to be a computer.
Code runs on people
Please keep it simple.
Write more, but shorter
After the “keep it simple” in programming, the “keep it short” for writing.
On cultures that build
Design, Composition, and Performance
A talk by Rich Hickey
How much time do you have?
What do you want to do today?
A search engine that favors text-heavy sites
The Invention of Personal Responsibility
Grainy Gradients
Bespoke Synth
A modular DAW for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
Spatial Interfaces
A Short History of Bi-Directional Links
Line length revisited: following the research
Tools for professionals, tools for amateurs
Why books donʼt work
as a medium, books are surprisingly bad at conveying knowledge, and readers mostly don’t realize it.
Remembering 9/11: Fear & Loathing in America
Remembering 9/11: 9/11 in Realtime
Remembering 9/11: Phone calls from flight 93
Zen garden - Pattern explorations
Documents ≠ Programs
the Web was to be a set of protocols and formats used for the purpose of publishing documents.
How to Create a Culture of Documentation
The modern curriculum
We’re living in the age of an always-connected universal encyclopedia and instantly updated fact and teaching machine called the Net. This means that it’s more important to want to know the answer and to know how to look it up than it is to have memorized it.
An MBA for Business Operators
A look at two syllabuses for learning the art of business, why they're rare, and why to take notice when a practitioner mentions one.
Table Stakes: Unblock Your Business
Become a fully functioning enterprise
You Can't Teach What They Aren't Ready to Know
Abortion is a terrifying thing
Letters of note
Automobile in American Life and Society
Exploring the automobile's impact on American life through Design, Environment, Gender, Labor, and Race
How to Rands
A how to document.
Shields Down
Resignations happen in a moment, and it’s not when you declare, “I’m resigning.” Your shields drop the moment you let a glimpse of a potential different future into your mind. It seems like an unconsidered off-the-cuff thought sans consequence, but the thought opens you to possibilities that did not exist the moment before the thought existed. Every moment as a leader is an opportunity to either strengthen or weaken shields. Every single moment.
How to build a company where the best ideas win
Ted Talk. Ray Dalio.
Structure Eats Strategy
by Jan Bosch. Start from the B; not the O!
Pushing through Friction
SREcon19, Dan Na, Squarespace
Automatic Opengraph Images
Zach Leatherman
The Delusion of Our Times
Why Am I Not Rich & Famous? by Darius Foroux
Losing the war
By Lee Sandlin.
Robert Sapolsky on Depression (2009)
Selling to the Enterprise: Crafting Product Narratives
The Universe is Hostile to Computers
Veritasium. Atoms
Are you Problem Solving or Capacity Building?
If something is broken, you need to fix it.
Typing is thinking
Why we write.
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
Price Rules Everything Around Me
Prices determine returns and, ultimately, prices determine wealth.
The Real College Scandal
“Heterodidact” is a word I made up to describe the rest of us, for whom learning and knowing is a social activity. The teacher isn’t teaching if the student isn’t learning, because teaching and learning are one activity.
What are universities for
Overcoming Bias.
The Corporate States of America
Playing to Win Overview
Playing to win means making moves that help you win rather than moves that don't.
Social comparison theory
Thought-terminating cliché
Learnable programming
Bret Victor.
On the Link Between Great Thinking and Obsessive Walking
Consume less, create more
Email writing tips
Kevin Kelly: The Case for Optimism
Outline of Scout Mindset
The Beauty of Bézier Curves
Your Firm Should Be A Team—Not A Family
David C Baker.
The difference between time and attention
I don’t have the attention.
Become an Uncertainty Killer
Reduce uncertainty for others as much as you can.
Bad news
Selling the story of disinformation
You don’t need to work on hard problems
Time dilation
Seth Godin. The time dilation of polish and curation is possible because of asynchronicity and the one-to-many nature of publishing ideas.
Two perspectives on the designer who Steve Jobs could not hire
Nicky Case FAQ
Tips from Amazon Bar Raisers
The tragedy of Google Books
On being discouraged
Hanging By A Thread
Let me show you three times history hung by a thread.
An epic treatise on scheduling, bug tracking, and triage
Better coordination, or better software?
Coordination isn’t the work we wanted to do. The extra work of coordination only makes it take longer.
An Old Hacker's Tips On Staying Employed
Contra Hanania On Partisanship
A $5.5 Billion Reminder that Email is Not Work
Ad hoc, back-and-forth, unscheduled messaging kept everyone busy. But it didn’t actually work.
The last time I saw Steve Jobs
Voice above water
The story of a 90-year-old Balinese fisherman who can no longer fish because of the amount of plastic pollution in the ocean, instead he collects trash in hopes of being able to fish again.
Silicon Valley History
Patrick Collison.
Why write
Borrowing lines from great leaders around you
Other People’s Mistakes
15 rules for communicating at GitHub
Ben Balter.
Hacking is the opposite of marketing
Tom MacWright.
Five paragraph order
The five paragraphs can be remembered with the acronym SMEAC: Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration/Logistics, Command/Signal.
Observations on decision making training
The most unbelievable things about life before smartphones
The tyranny of ideas
Rather than viewing people as agents of change, I think of them as intermediaries, voice boxes for some persistent idea-virus that’s seized upon them and is speaking through their corporeal form. You might think of this as “great prophet theory”. Ideas ride us into battle like warhorses. We can witness, participate in, and even lead these battles, but their true meaning eludes us. We don’t really know where ideas come from, nor how to control them.
The Tail End
Show don’t tell
Thomas J Bevan.
Derek Sivers about page
Turbulence: everything you need to know
On Being a Good Newsletter
Craig Mod
How to be an Effective Executive
Management. Lessons from Keith Rabois.
Architecture for generations
Often, a software developer’s first encounter with a system is a highly practical one: Something is broken and needs to be fixed. There’s no time to learn from the past when the current state is a broken build and the business needs new features.
Introducing Framer Web
Product Video. Marketing.
Github framework for building Open Graph images
Steve Jobs in 2010 D8 Conference
One person’s in charge.
Jeff Bezos writing management strategy
No more platforms please
DHH. Newsletters. Podcasts. Small-scale forums. Yes, yes, yes. More platforms? No, no, no.
Gitlab DRIs
Apple's corporate innovation? The 'directly responsible individual'
Thinking about software engineering
Letter to a young songwriter
Columbo: an origin story
“More better” is not a strategy
David C Baker. Find something else that turns a difference into a meaningful one.
Associate With Grinders
Daniel Miessler. They simply can’t stop doing something. Maybe it’s not the smartest thing, or the best thing, but they’re never content to just watch TV or play video games for weeks, months, or years at a time.
Questions to ask on a new job search
Working With Monsters
LessWrong. And now you have to make a choice. You can go out in a blaze of glory, fight for what you know is right, and maybe take down a few moral monsters in the process. Or you can choose to live and let live, to let injustice go unanswered, to work with the monsters you hate. It’s up to you.
Goals, Problems, Solutions
Make sure that everyone is on the same page about their goals. Ensure everyone agrees on the problems or blockers. Only then discuss solutions.
“I don’t want to play”
It’s easier to simply react by engaging in another tactical round that the world has presented to us. You can spend your days doing nothing but playing with tactics, and never realize you didn’t even have a strategy.
writing in public
Ava from bookbear express
Hideo Kojima Keynote - Making the impossible possible - GDC 2009
Delegate Outcomes, Not Methods
Tell your delegate the results you expect to see, but let them decide on how to achieve those results.
JavaScript: The First 20 Years
Allen Wirfs-Brock, Brendan Eich
The Handshake of Generations
Imagine that, 262 years. That’s the length of time you connect across. You’ll know the people who span this time. Your time is the time of the people you know and love, the time that molds you, and your time is the time of the people you will know and love, the time that you will shape. You can touch 262 years with your bare hands. Your great grandma taught you, you will teach your great granddaughter, you can have a direct impact on the future right up to the year 2186. Imagine that.
How to Operate
How to Start a Startup: Lecture 14
Wilson Miner - Seeing through the net
Wilson Miner - Steal This Talk
Wilson Miner - When We Build
Build a Team that Ships
Why People Feel Like Victims
How Social Media Destroyed my Generation
The future of work is written
Sparktoro introduces a Marketing Architect
Your competitors don’t matter
The Alexander Piano
“Why did you build such a long piano?”
Present Bias
a comic by Doist. Why it's so hard to give a damn about our Future Selves.
Best practices for code comments
The Pepsi Universe
Give it five minutes
Stoic notes
A learning a day
Three Cheers for Socialism
Christian Love & Political Practice
Wrong ideas about work
Reversals in psychology
A list of exaggerated psychological phenomena
Emotional Education
Alain de Botton.
Dear Diary
Thomas J Bevan. Knowing you are going to write about your day- especially if you embrace the idea of capturing it, mundanity and all- trains you to begin to pay attention.
The strategic use of language to change thinking
Category Pirates.
On The Experience of Being Poor-ish, For People Who Aren't
Feeling Broke vs. Being Broke: “How many times have they turned off your water?”
Forgive me forgive me forgive me
Letters of note.
Cathedral Thinking
3 questions to improve your interface design
Who are the users and what is their goal? Will the users know what to do here? Will the users know they’re making the right progress toward their goal?
Who do you want your customers to become?
HBR. 2012.
PAGNI: Security Edition
Probably Are Gonna Need It: Security Edition
Dear young designer
by Tobias van Schneider
Customer Development
Seth Godin. Being clear about ‘who’s it for?’ and ‘what’s it for?’ is the actual hard work of developing customers.
Content Writing Guide
Mandate Levels
Nine 'Mandate levels' of work, from very specific, to very general. Grades slack in the leadership reigns.
System vs Goal
In the absence of an accompanying goal, a system is meaningless.
The Most Precious Resource is Agency
How to Work Hard
Paul Graham.
Haruki Murakami’s Daily Routine
Up at 4:00 a.m., 5-6 hours of writing, then a 10K run.
Fun Laws, Rules and Principles You Really Ought to Know
Oxford Royale Academy. Clarke’s Third Law, Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics, Betteridge’s Law of Headlines, Murphy’s Law, Cunningham’s Law, Godwin’s Law, Campbell’s Law, Occam’s Razor, The Pareto Principle, Sturgeon’s Law, The Peter Principle, Conquest’s Laws of Politics.
WPA Posters
The Work Projects Administration (WPA) Poster Collection consists of 907 posters produced from 1936 to 1943 by various branches of the WPA.
The Murder of Wilbur Wright
How many of our greatest minds have we lost?
On voice in writing
Thomas J Bevan.
Interruption as Assault
Interruption is assault.
Summary of The Evolving Self
By Ivaylo Durmonski
Casualties of Perfection
You waste years by not being able to waste hours. Build in slack.
Product Validation Frameworks are Mostly Useless Without Taste
CommonCog, Commonplace
Average colors of the world
Notes on Nationalism
By George Orwell
Foxes and Hedgehogs
Altos VC
Foxes and Hedgehogs
Altos VC
Product Validation Frameworks are Mostly Useless Without Taste
The Particle/Wave Duality Theory of Knowledge
swyx. Books, courses, and wikis are prime examples of discrete learning. Email Newsletters offer modes of continuous learning.
Yes, there are stupid questions
When we reframe a question—when we change our method of questioning—we also change the outcome.
On Refusing To Look Things Up
Learn, above all, to trust your own experience and let your real world experience be your teacher.
Index of Bongard Problems
The problem is to find, or to formulate, convincingly, the common factor between two different sets.
I See You
When you see me you bring me into existence. We can only get better when we truly begin to see each other. We can only learn and grow when we acknowledge each other. We can only make a difference if we know our existence matters.
Expectations vs. Forecasts
There is no reason to forecast unless you’re going to take specific actions tied to that forecast. If you want to take fewer actions without being willfully blind to the future, just have expectations.
Harder Than It Looks, Not As Fun as It Seems
Everything is sales also means that everyone is trying to craft an image of who they are. When you are keenly aware of your own struggles but blind to others’, it’s easy to assume you’re missing some skill or secret that others have.
Notes on Storyworthy
Notes on Effective Engineer
Effective Engineers produce results.
Building Bridges
Beware of looking for goals: look for a way of life
Please don’t just say hello in chat.
Syd Mead 1 Thumbnail Sketching and Line Drawing
The Gnomon Workshop.
The Rise of Opaque Intelligence
Any sufficiently advanced logic is indistinguishable from stupidity.
The Meaning of Life
Derek Sivers.
Things I Believe
a collection of the things JanStette believe about software development
The Tyranny of Numbers
Thomas J Bevan.
Made of love
The Sephist. I don’t view any particular project as a way to build something that grows fast or sells for lots of money. I just want to build many, small, well-made things that bear the marks of my love, that serve as evidence that I cared about the quality of what came from my own hands. And in the end, I want to be able to look back on the whole thing and find it valuable because it is good, because of the hours I spent laboring over the particulars of my words and the pixels of my designs.
The Thinking Ladder
Tim Urban, Wait But Why.
How To Tell A Story Using The Story Scaffold
Context (backstory), Catalyst (event), Complication (obstacle), Change (transformation), Consequence (resolution).
The Document Culture of Amazon
History of the Web
Matthew Gerstman.
Obviously Awesome
Non-machinable surcharge
The question shouldn’t be, “does it scale?” Instead, it might be, “is it worth it?”
Being able to do your craft without a lot of visible effort.
Cohort based courses
Wes Kao.
Build Alignment
Budi Tanrim. First: Who are we trying to serve? Second: What are we trying to enable them? Third: Whatever our solution will be, how would it be different from the market’s existing solution?
Base Rate
Good execution vs. Bad execution
Julie Zhuo. In 10 Tweets.
How to Talk to Human Beings
If you ever need to deal with children aged 2 to 99, stop reading right now and go buy How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk.
A Random Walk Through Git
I’ve yet to take this walk, but here for posterity.
Why Foxes Are Better Forecasters Than Hedgehogs
Philip Tetlock at Long Now. Ignore Confident Forecasters.
Don’t be a hedgehog (thought leader)
Create an extended product roadmap and put those items at least a year off into the future.
Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
Why is everyone in such a rush?
Always be quitting
Document: knowledge, long-term plans, meetings. Train. Trust. Don’t make yourself the point of contact. Delegate.
iOS 15, Humane
How Apple could help us reclaim our attention
The Atlassian Product Delivery Framework
Three People To Call When You Need Help with Positioning
Dave Kellogg.
Good Synthesis is the Start of Good Sensemaking
Commoncog. Adapting to uncertainty with sensemaking patterns and frameworks.
You Don’t Need Permission
Talking is not the same as doing. You don’t need to wait for permission to do.
A Project of One’s Own
Paul Graham.
40 for 40
Chris Coyier’s list.
The only things that matter when you die
Please forgive me. I forgive you. Thank you. I love you.
Obviously Awesome
Summary by CommonCog.
Almanac Guide to Async Communication
Front-End Testing is For Everyone
The Revenge of the Intuitive
Brian Eno. Turn off the options, and turn up the intimacy. I recently spent three days working with what is possibly the most advanced recording console in the world, and I have to report that it was a horribly unmusical experience.
it never feels like the right time
ava. Expecting things to feel right is a trap because it means your actions are dependent on some arbitrary set of conditions you’ve decided is necessary in your mind.
How to commit to the right opportunities
You will outgrow most of the opportunities presented to you faster than you can benefit long term from them. Hell yes, or no.
Love Letter to an Encyclopedia
Everything Studies.
Play your own game
Figure out what game you’re playing, then play it–only it.
Productive Uncertainty
Productive, novel, and complex uncertainty.
Honored and cultivated
Be intentional about what you honor, choose cultures/communities that honor what you want to cultivate.
We Know What You Did During Lockdown
A short film on how much data private companies are able to gather about you.
What Are You Doing With Your Life? The Tail End
On Being An Autodidact
Thomas Bevan. The bulwark against being a mere node for noise is to foster curiosity. Is to read based on whim and not outcome. Is to be one of the very, very, very few who actually read primary sources or attempt to find the spring from which the vast rivers of certain thoughts originates (whether good or bad).
Patrick Collison. Examples of people quickly accomplishing ambitious things together.
Be a clear thinker
Identify the real goal, decompose vague concepts, frame the right questions, seek more data or experience, listen to multiple perspectives, assess upsides and downsides, examine your biases, act like an owner.
There's a Hole at the Bottom of Math
Working under or above the API
Jobs below the API
Increasingly, the only paying work left for humans will be the one of building the software.
The “Marketing is Evil” Problem.
Rand Fishkin. Find what change you seek to make and where you fit vs alternatives. Find the right audience, find what resonates with them, find their sources of influence, and amplify the right message to the right people in the right places.
The Wall In The Head
Thomas J Bevan. You accept this like fate. In fact fatalism is, I would say, the primary symptom of someone having a wall planted firmly in their head.
Etymology Nerd. When you make a choice, you cut out all the other possible choices.
NFTs: crypto grifters try to scam artists, again
The scam is to sell NFTs to artists as a get-rich-quick scheme, to make life-changing money. There’s a gusher of money out there! You just create a token! And any number of crypto grifters would be delighted to assist you. For a small consideration.
The Reverse Interview
Reforge. How To Choose Your Next Company
Ten Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer
The return of fancy tools
I’m not writing it down to remember it later, I’m writing it down to remember it now.
I’m exhausted all over but particularly the face
An epistolary fist-bump to all the loners, introverts, and reclusive souls who would much rather relax in their own company than mentally exhaust themselves in an effort to enjoy the company of others.
The Mapping of The Creator Economy
the hierarchy of helpfulness
Management. Identify a problem, figure out what caused it, research how to fix it, and fixed it. Just wanted to keep you in the loop.
commitment / accountability
Don’t browse, commit.
In Praise of Idleness [1932]
By Bertand Russell.
Why I Never Hire Brilliant Men
You claim to be a brilliant salesman, and yet you failed in the first essential. You never sold yourself to the people with whom and through whom you had to work. You say they were jealous, but a man of your intelligence ought to know that the answer to jealousy is modesty, hard work -- and results. They would have jumped on your band wagon fast enough if you had made them see the advantage of it. But after waiting around for the band wagon to start, they concluded that it wasn't going to start, and it never has. Business and life are built upon successful mediocrity; and victory comes to companies, not through the employment of brilliant men, but through knowing how to get the most out of ordinary folks.
What’s going on here, with this human?
Management. Interviewing. There are three parts to expanding your ability to see people more clearly: seeing your own reflection in the window, seeing the elephants in the room, and seeing the water.
What Is an Entertainment Company in 2021 and Why Does the Answer Matter?
Matthew Ball. Create/tell stories, Build love for those stories, Monetize that love.
Efficiency is the Enemy
If you ever find yourself stressed, overwhelmed, sinking into stasis despite wanting to change, or frustrated when you can’t respond to new opportunities, you need more slack in your life.
99 Additional Bits of Unsolicited Advice
Kevin Kelly.
Tiny Wins
Big benefits of little changes in product.
Hacker Scripts
Based on a true story.
Win Friends Online While You Sleep
35 Principles for 35 Years
The Paradox of Genius: Why Long-Term Thinking Wins
Be obsessed with what will endure 10 or 50 years from now.
Why I’m so good at coding.
TechLead. The validation of your work is what makes you pro. Have a story (context) for your work–your work is a product.
Code blocks, but better
Improving the user experience of code blocks.
Live a life worth living
Letters of note. Our purpose in this life is to experience everything we possibly can, to understand as much of the human condition as we can squeeze into one lifetime, however long or short that may be.
Invest in your brain, your body, and your community.
Not much else matters at the end of the day.
The Ian Knot
the World's Fastest Shoelace Knot
Reversible and Irreversible Decisions
Is this a reversible or irreversible decision?
I could build this during the weekend
It's easy to oversimplify problems and try new, leaner technologies that optimize for our use cases.
Crazy New Ideas | Hacker News
Related to below.
Crazy New Ideas
Paul Graham.
The problem of Excess Genius
A thread. Preceding military victory, high rates of social intercourse, and education (the role tutors in particular)
The Death of The Middle
We’re getting more interested in either exactly what we want, or whatever’s most frictionless. Aggregate or specialize. In other words, give people everything they want or the one thing they need.
It’s hard to quarrel with that ancient justification of the free press: “America’s right to know.” It seems almost cruel to ask, ingenuously, ”America’s right to know what, please? Science? Mathematics? Economics? Foreign languages?” None of those things, of course. In fact, one might well suppose that the popular feeling is that Americans are a lot better off without any of that tripe. There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
A New Understanding of Effort
Scott Young. Effort Depends on Alternatives, Willpower Depends on Reward.
Who Will Amplify This? And Why?
Rand Fishkin. Marketing.
High quality Mac icons from inside your Mac
A bunch of macOS’s icons, from System Preferences panes to menu bar icons to, yes, pretty much every Mac model Apple has ever made in the last twenty years or so.
The 5 Ps of Product Management
Product Management. Purpose, Problem, Pattern, Prose, Priority.
Make Boring Plans
Novel Technology Deserves Boring Plans.
Choose Boring Technology
Embrace Boredom. Just Ship.
How HashiCorp Works
You can never truly escape risk, just change how you accept it.
Stock Market Returns Are Anything But Average
You can never truly escape risk, just change how you accept it.
Slow thinker
Everything is timed. We become reluctant to stop and think.
I’m not languishing, I’m dormant
I am waiting to be activated.
The Quack Attack is Back
Drone. Mall.
Where Did the Other Dollar Go, Jeff?
It’s an error to add measurements that have different units. Two measurements that have the same unit attached (dollars, in this case) may still sum to a value that represents nothing meaningful.
Buying a PC with Dell
A Journey Into Hell
Privacy | App Tracking Transparency | Apple
App Tracking Transparency lets you control which apps are allowed to track your activity across other companies’ apps and websites.
How Sure Are Climate Scientists?
Degrees of Uncertainty.
The 'Capitalism is Broken' Economy
We should ask ourselves, our communities, and our government: if a business can’t pay a living wage, should it be a business? If it’s too expensive for businesses to provide healthcare for their workers, maybe we need to decouple it from employment? If childcare is a market failure, but we need childcare for the economy to work, how can the government build that infrastructure?
Beauty In A World Of Brutalism
Embracing the Ordinary.
From Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman
There's no importance whatsoever. I'm just doing it for the fun of it. It was effortless. It was easy to play with these things. It was like uncorking a bottle: Everything flowed out effortlessly. I almost tried to resist it! There was no importance to what I was doing, but ultimately there was. The diagrams and the whole business that I got the Nobel Prize for came from that piddling around with the wobbling plate.
Competition vs. activation
If you want to grow, you’ll need to get someone to not only decide that you’re worth their time and money, you’ll need to motivate them to act now instead of later.
I bought a sauna
Which one doesn't matter. I barely know. I don't even care. And this is how I'm buying things from now on.
Making friends in adulthood
AOM podcast. We Need to Hang Out: A Memoir of Making Friends.
Asynchronous Working In 2021
Send people a loom video asking them to try out the tool instead of finding time on your calendar.
Writing Blog Posts as a Method of Documentation.
'It looks good to me'
Of course, it does. But to ship the experience that matters for people. Your personal opinion is not enough. Your decision should focus on the people you serve.
Black Death, COVID, and Why We Keep Telling the Myth of a Renaissance Golden Age and Bad Middle Ages
If you’re tired of screaming The Middle Ages weren’t dark and bad!
Two rules for projects that I think are very promising for 40+ lifestyles
No new top-level projects (TLPs). Ten-year commitments to projects or no deal.
The True Meaning of Technical Debt
Hacker News post.
ooooops I guess we’re* full-stack developers now
Chris Coyier. *by “we’re” i mean front-end developers
Types of Meetings That Should Always Be Async
Doist. Announcements, status updates, brainstorms, kickoffs, moving work forward, reviews, meetings not everyone can attend.
Slow-Reading is the New Deep Learning
Speed-reading is for skimmers. Slow-reading is for scholars.
The neglected middle child of mental health can dull your motivation and focus — and it may be the dominant emotion of 2021.
Software designers, not engineers An interview from alternative universe
When solving problems that are not inherently ill-defined, you often find better solutions by treating them as such.
How does even work?
Manton Reece.
The Self Educating Child
MMM. We will learn from our mistakes and develop ourselves along the way, and make the most of it. Which is really a good plan for life itself.
Design is like riding a bike
Design requires you to practice. Falling a few times is part of the practice.
APIs All the Way Down
Packy McCormick. The Magic of API-First Business Models
On Going To The Beach
Thomas J Bevan. If you can’t lie on a blanket on the sand on a warm spring day and feel the sun on your skin and listen to the tide as it moves, if you can’t do that and smile a half smile and have absolutely no thoughts in your head whatsoever, then you have problems.
Signs of happy marriage that lasts
What it takes for a marriage to stay happy over time. Friends — and have friends. Think like a team. Focus on the positive. Manage stress. Manage conflict. Enjoy spending time together. Share a world view.
Beware of tight feedback loops
After achieving proficiency in a field, tight feedback loops are useless.
long feedback loops
Mastery requires an ability to stick it out through long feedback loops.
Peter Drucker On Marketing
Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two--and only two--basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business.
Don’t hire top talent; hire for weaknesses.
Instead of starting from “how do we hire top talent?”, start from “what are our weaknesses?”
Amazon 2020 Letter to Shareholders
The world wants you to be typical–in a thousand ways, it pulls at you. Don't let it happen.
Everyone is rational
Or it could be that we all like to tell ourselves we’re doing the right thing, but ultimately, all we can do is make choices based on how we see the world.
We Were Made For These Times
An excerpt from Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
A different approach to frontend architecture
Presentation, application, domain, infrastructure.
The Art of Traditional Japanese Printmaking
The printing process as demonstrated by master printmaker Keiji Shinohara.
Questions Every Manager Should Ask
Management. Trello.
The first 18 months of a startup
A thread.
Keep Your Identity Small
Paul Graham. You can have a fruitful discussion about a topic only if it doesn't engage the identities of any of the participants.
they let us testify at the EU Parliament!
And you better believe we named names and called out Google.
Interactive Design and Fabrication of Wood Joints.
Private Choices Have Public Consequences
They never once believed that anything is ever about more than their own sour selves, and a jealous world’s conspiracy against their comfort.
Sustainable Change Agency
John Cutler. Bring the lightest amount of structure to your efforts.
Specializing in Problems We Don't Understand
LessWrong. Problems we do understand mainly require relatively-specialized knowledge and techniques adapted to solving particular problems. But problems we don’t understand mainly require general-purpose skills of empiricism, noticing patterns and bottlenecks, model-building, and design principles.
When Choosing Marketing Channels, Visualize the Curve
Rand Fishkin. Marketing channels curve.
“Do you have time to jump on a call?”
9/10 times this is communication laziness. 10/10 times this destroys your schedule.
What a scheduled phone call does to an entire day.
Context switching.
“You’re not that good”
Seth Godin. When we begin, we’re not that good. Once we start to build skills and offer something of value, some will persist in believing we’re not that good. It’s possible that in fact, we’re not that good yet, and there aren’t enough people who want what we’ve got. And then we get better.
The No-Nonsense Guide to Simplifying Every Aspect of Your Life
TAOM. Podcast. Gary Collins shares lessons from his book “The Simple Life Guide to Decluttering Your Life.”
The top 0.1% of ideas I’ve stumbled upon on the internet.
A thread by George Mack.
Best new year's resolution? A 'stop doing' list
Jim Collins. What are you deeply passionate about? What activities do you feel just “made to do”? What can you make a living at?
People systematically overlook subtractive changes
People systematically default to searching for additive transformations, and consequently overlook subtractive transformations.
15 Technologies I Thought My Son Would Never Use
Technology doesn’t always turn out the way we’d expect.
World Building
Alex Danco. Everyone’s job is world-building, even if they don’t realize it.
Horizontal History
Wait But Why. Looking at history from a new direction.
Embrace the Grind
If you’re willing to embrace the grind, you can pull off the impossible.
Rationalism before the Sequences
A story about what it was like to be a rationalist decades before the Sequences and the formation of the modern rationalist community.
Managing Work on a Fully Remote Team
Doist. How we balance individual autonomy with accountability to make progress on our company's ambitious goals
The Healing Power of JavaScript
For some of us—isolates, happy in the dark—code is therapy, an escape and a path to hope in a troubled world.
One Customer Feedback Email Changed Our Startup’s Trajectory
Rand Fishkin. Remind Your Audience You Exist. Uncover Points of Friction, Solve Them, Then Tell People You’ve Solved ‘Em.
The 2021 Early-Retirement Update
An update of last five or six years of Living a Fi into a single post
Seth Godin: Enrollment
It’s almost impossible to manage someone to enrollment, but we can lead them there. Enrollment is a combination of what we do and what we’ve been surrounded by. Appropriate difficulty followed by learning. Peer support and peer pressure. Expectations understood and perhaps met. Small steps that lead to an appetite for effort and outcomes.
Books that suck you in and books that spin you out
Some books have a centripetal force— they suck you in from other books. Some books have a centrifugal force — they spin you out to other books.
Asymmetric Opportunities and the Cult of Optionality
Asymmetric opportunities are overhyped and poorly understood.
Becoming a manager in 2021
1:1s, coaching, sponsoring, feedback, vibes.
The 30-foot rule
Being distinctive is a choice, and it’s not an easy one. Because it requires you to stand for something and to serve a specific audience, not everyone.
Jason Kottke.
Alex Garcia 7 Lessons
A thread.
The Consumer Authentication Strength Maturity Model (CASMM) v5
Visualize a user's current internet hygiene level, and see how to improve it.
Intention vs. Drift
There are two ways to create. Either we intentionally make progress toward goals, or we drift & see what happens. For best results, I think we need both.
Kill math.
The power to understand and predict the quantities of the world should not be restricted to those with a freakish knack for manipulating abstract symbols.
Show up and practice
Do it. Show up and practice. Face the hard part.
Let me learn: Provide tutorials in more formats
When our teachings are only provided in one media, in one language, in one form, it is inherently inaccessible to some subset of our students.
Japanese typography, sinograms
The first of a series about Japanese typography.
Metric Paper
CPG Grey.
Why I'm unreachable and you should be too
Most things are a distraction.
Derek Sivers: I can’t answer questions.
Answering people’s questions was taking up all of my time. So I quit.
The Shortness of Time
FS. Time is invisible, so it’s easy to spend. It’s only near the end of our life that most of us will realize the value of time. Make sure you’re not too busy to pay attention to life.
Beware of the Bubble
MMM. Real Investment Doesn’t Make Exciting News Headlines.
Your Addiction to Outrage is Ruining Your Life
Outrage is the latest drug of society. It’s more acceptable than alcohol and it’s more addictive than anything you can swallow, smoke or inject, because while heroin or methamphetamine are clearly harmful, anger feels so damn righteous.
Toward A Bayesian Theory Of Willpower
Scott Alexander. What is willpower?
Nine things a (technical) program manager does
Ben Balter. 1. Communication, coordination, and facilitation; 2. track work to be done; 3. manage risk; 4. report up and across; 5. relationship management; 6. resolve conflict; 7. drive consensus; 8. boundaryless engagement; 9. doing what needs to be done.
Bret Victor collection of Quotes
Steve Jobs in 1991
Steve Jobs in 1991
Improving group productivity.
Creator Demand Curve
The creator demand curve shows how many fans are willing to pay for your content at a particular price.
Don’t Be Nice. Be Kind.
Stop being nice and instead work to be kind.
Computers and Creativity
To foster optimal human innovation, digital creative tools need to be interoperable, moldable, efficient, and community-driven.
Outgrowing software
At a certain point, everyone has grown up with this stuff, everything is a software company, and the important questions are somewhere else.
against narratives
Engaging more with narratives than actual life. Living without emotional ties to the past or future.
Product Development as Iterated Taste
Commonplace. It took 18 months of PR/FAQ iterations before Amazon’s software engineers wrote the first line of code for AWS. Spending time up front to think through all the details of a product, and to determine—without committing precious software development resources—which products not to build, preserves your company’s resources to build products that will yield the highest impact for customers and your business. Product development processes are simply ways of iterating cheaply through an idea space, with sufficient feedback, in the hopes of checking enough boxes for success.
How to Network Online Like a Human
Doist. Get clear on why, decide who, get clear on the value you provide and get comfortable communicating it.
On Photography And Soul Theft
Photographs externalise the internal.
Alan Watts on Love, Freedom, and Fear
You cannot think simultaneously about listening to the waves and whether you are enjoying listening to the waves.
Commenting vs. making
If someone’s much better than you at something, they probably try much harder. You probably underestimate how much harder they try.
The Product Strategy Stack
Company mission, company strategy, product strategy, product roadmap, product goals.
Things your manager might not know
Management. Julia Evans.
Font Follows Feeling
A brief type classification
It's time to build: A New World's Fair
We must look to the past to build the future.
A Realistic Guide to Time Management
Doist. Managing your time well isn’t just about getting more done.
Inspiration is Overrated
It’s the boring, invisible chugging away of your background processes that make progress.
Peep Laja on the Everything is Marketing Podcast
Conversion Optimization, Data vs Intuition, and Why Brand Is The Ultimate Moat
One Step Closer to a World Without Email
Kierkegaard on how “if one just keeps on walking, everything will be all right”
Above all, do not lose your desire to walk.
The fallacy of “what gets measured gets managed”
Management. Anne-Laure Le Cunff.
Everything you’ve wanted to know about marketing ROI
Figuring out what your marketing ROI should be is difficult. But without knowing your ROI, it makes it hard to make a case in the boardroom as to why you should be trusted with money.
Trapped Priors As A Basic Problem Of Rationality
You Can Advertise On Websites That Are, Ya Know, About Things.
Chris Coyier.
A Drone’s Eye View of a Bowling Alley
“Well, it seems great to me”
If your music, your graphic design, your website–whatever your work is–isn’t resonating with the market, it might be because you forgot to make it for them.
What is a Minimum Viable Product, Anyway? MVP Analogy.
KellBlog. Minimum means the least you can do to test your hypothesis. Viable means the product actually does the thing it’s supposed to do, even in some very basic way.
Front-of-the-front-end and back-of-the-front-end web development
Convince your team to learn fast and try not to make a mess
Management. How to overcome objections when trying to adopt change in an organization.
Yeet. Delete. Repeat.
Ship fast, learn fast — and do it all without burying ourselves in technical debt.
10 things to watch for when designing a logo
Skipping research, being trendy, being generic, being bland or cliche, being too abstract, being too complex, relying on color or effects, too many options, not responsive, no guidelines.
How to Move Your Team Toward Async-First Communication
Advice for team leaders and team members who want to bring more calm, focused productivity to the workplace.
Set future performance reviews up for success now
Management. Laura Hogan.
Looking Closely is Everything
A sophisticated observer operates like a scientist, drawing direct and clear lines between what’s on the page and what is known and true.
The Pudding Cup
The best visual and data-driven stories of 2020.
Utility Maximization = Description Length Minimization
LessWrong. To optimize a system is to reduce the number of bits required to represent the system state using a particular encoding.
The Paradox of Content Marketing to Beginners vs. Experts
Rand Fishkin. Know the distribution of your audience’s beginners, and experts.
How to make your ideas concise, credible & compelling
As you travel higher up inside an organization the decisions get more important, but attention spans get shorter and so the information gets more compressed. You need to be concise, credible & compelling.
Executive presence
You need the ability to present ideas to the c-suite, create a compelling business case for multi-million dollar investments and work cross-functionally to gather buy-in from stakeholders.
Leading Your First Marketing Team
Crossing the Canyon: Building strategy across all channels, guiding others to be good at theirs, collaborating across departments, conducting the orchestra.
How to make career decisions
If our skills are great, but the environment is wrong (or vice versa), then we aren’t set up for success.
If It’s Worth Doing, It’s Worth Doing With Made-Up Statistics
It’s easy to lie with statistics, but it’s easier to lie without them. Sometimes pulling numbers out of your arse and using them to make a decision is better than pulling a decision out of your arse.
Good strategy needs a good story
Human stories, data stories, competitive stories.
The Business of Art
By The Oatmeal.
When Did Generic Grocery Brands Get So Good Looking?
Designed to make a shopper feel less like they’re budget shopping, and more like they’re treating themselves to something nice.
Ahead of Their Times
Chris Crawford.
How to Think Like a Renaissance Man
The Art of Manliness Podcast with guest Scott Newstok.
Status as a Service (StaaS)
People are status-seeking monkeys, monkeys who seek out the most efficient path to maximizing social capital.
How To: Be A Good Employee, Be A Great Boss
2012 re:Invent Day 2: Fireside Chat with Jeff Bezos & Werner Vogels
To watch later.
SotW: Be Specific
Eliezer Yudkowsky. Recognize when your words or thoughts are too abstract. Render your thoughts more specific and concrete.
All Stories Are Wrong, but Some Are Useful
Stories, not people, rule our world. We’re always telling ourselves a story about how the world works. Stories are a vehicle for change. Learn about them.
Who is Scott Alexander and what is he about?
A beginner's guide to Slate Star Codex (now Astral Codex Ten).
You and Your Research (Live)
Richard Hamming Live.
You and Your Research
Richard Hamming. On Paul Graham.
You and Your Research
Richard Hamming.
The Animation That Changed Cinema
A 30-minute video that celebrates the animations & animators that changed cinema.
The Word “Hacker”
Paul Graham. Those in authority tend to be annoyed by hackers’ general attitude of disobedience. Intellectual curiosity was not one of the motives on the FBI's list.
Marketing Exists to Make Sales Easier
Kellblog. Define your mission statement as “help” and remember that “help is defined in the mind of the recipient.”
It’s About Time
Seth Godin. Taking Time.
“Strategy vs Execution” is not a helpful distinction
Instead of thinking of strategy and execution as separate, think of it as a feedback loop that tells us whether our strategy works or not.
Never Skip Retros
Management. Start doing retrospectives.
Use ideas as tools not truths
Let the fanatics care about what is true while you focus on what is useful.
How to Make Wealth
Paul Graham. You need to get yourself in a situation with two things, measurement and leverage.
Performance reviews should be unsurprising, fair, and motivating
Lara Hogan. Management.
Hubspot Content Marketing and the hustle
Diversify your content offerings, create consistently, and build an audience.
How to Write For the Way Your Coworkers Actually Read
Frontload what’s important, chunk information for retention, make it skimmable, write plainly and more.
Prestige in US Today
They don’t that much care about your grades, what you’ve learned, or what you did in your jobs or extracurriculars, as long as they were prestigious. A “serious” person always picks max prestige. Always.
Experts Versus Elites
Elites are selected primarily for their prestige and status, which has many contributions, including money, looks, fame, charm, wit, positions of power, etc.
Be The Hero of Your Own Movie
Joe Rogan.
Six Ways To Think Long-Term
Roman Kznaric. Deep-time humility. Legacy mindset. Intergenerational justice. Cathedral thinking. Holistic forecasting. Transcendent goal.
The Impact of Chief Diversity Officers on Diverse Faculty Hiring
We are unable to find significant statistical evidence that preexisting growth in diversity for underrepresented racial/ethnic minority groups is affected by the hiring of an executive level diversity officer for new tenure and non-tenure track hires, faculty hired with tenure, or for university administrator hires.
The man who produced Steve Jobs’ keynotes for 20 years
A panel conversation with Wayne Goodrich.
The 1997 Amazon Shareholder letter.
Jeff Bezos.
Litter and Nihilism
Thomas J Bevan. Throwaway culture and small, antisocial acts.
The Meta-Creator Ceiling
Don't play games you don't want to win.
Productize Yourself
Figure out what you're uniquely good at, and apply as much leverage as possible.
The Perfect PokéRap by Brian David Gilbert
Unraveled LIVE at PAX East 2019
Marketing software, for people who would rather be building it
Patrick McKenzie MicroConf 2013 transcript.
How to Engineer Marketing Success
Patrick McKenzie (Patio11) – MicroConf 2012.
Careers in Marketing
Matthew Barby on important decisions he’s made over the past few years.
“I’m just doing my job”
But what if you weren’t? What if you replaced “doing” with “improving” or “reinventing” or “transforming”?
Greg Isenberg guide to startups
A thread.
Seeking the Productive Life
The personal infrastructure of Stephen Wolfram.
David Foster Wallace unedited interview (2003)
To watch later
Apple and the Metaverse
Matthew Ball. An essay on platforms, power, prosperity, principles, and profits.
Four Refoundings
The ideal time for a refounding is when a company looks unbeatable from the outside and vulnerable from the inside. That makes it an uncomfortable choice, but a necessary one.
Becoming A Category Creator
Category designers move the world from the way it is, to the way they think it should be. Evangelize your category. Not your brand.
Get the most from your limited free time
Scott H. Young. The Paradox of Effort.
3:45 PM
CalArts student Alisha Liu’s second-year film about a lovely day in the park interrupted by an existential case of the Sunday scaries.
How to secure your financial future
Lochhead on Marketing. Build A Financial Egg Nest. Don’t Buy Shit You Can’t Afford.
You are what you subscribe to
Lochhead on Marketing. Choose what you consume.
Coined concepts
Anchoring ideas to sticky catchphrases and influence your place in discourse.
How to be a tech influencer
Content creation is an effective way to create prestige. Be more influential by channeling your energy into long-lived and semi-private communities.
A forty year career
Lethain. Focus on a small handful of things that build together, with each making the others more impactful as they compound over time. Pace, people, prestige, profit and learning.
Ads Don’t Work That Way
Cultural imprinting, not emotional inception.
The High Price of Mistrust
FS blog. When we can’t trust each other, nothing works.
Ideas That Changed My Life
Morgan Housel/Collaborative Fund.
The days are long but the decades are short
Advice from Sam Altman as he turns 30. Life is not a dress rehearsal—this is probably it. Make it count.
the Quality vs Consistency Debate
SWYX, Shawn Wang. Default to consistency, and cut scope.
Greg Isenberg on 10 simple questions that changed his life
A thread. Can you really control that? Did you start today with a victory? What are you optimizing for? Are you being optimistic? Are you reacting or responding? Can you disagree politely? Are you thinking in decades or years? Are you earning trust? Do you understand the rules? Why don't you get straight to the point? Why do you take things so personally? Are you seeking the truth or do you want to just validate your beliefs? Are you learning fast or are you learning well? Are you building something authentic?
A primer on investing for designers and developers
Start now. Invest automatically every month. Don't overthink it.
Politics and the English language | The Orwell Foundation
The present political chaos is connected with the decay of language.
Delight as the hard-edged world melts into a full-rainbow spectrum of reality
Toolkits over checklists
Toolkits enable results-based work.
Design to solve a perception, not a problem
Take a step back and ask “Why is it a problem?”
Ten Ideas That Have Shaped My Life
By Scott H. Young
Why do so many brands change their logos and look like everyone else?
You could slap any logo on any product and hardly anyone would notice a difference.
The Ivy Lee Method
At the end of each work day, write down only the six most important things you need to accomplish tomorrow.
Tom Hirst on Marketing for freelancers
A thread.
The Michael Scott Theory of Social Class
Alex Danco's Newsletter, Season 3, Episode 2. You climb the Labour ladder by working hard and climb the Elite ladder by acquiring leverage.
The Ideology Is Not The Movement
From Let’s get together to do X. To, X? What X? A rallying flag that connects people, gives them a shared foundation to build culture off of, and walls the group off from other people.
Strategy Turns
What got you here won't get you there. You shouldn't use a playbook that you haven't earned yet.
Money: The Unit of Caring
The whole reason why we have money is to realize the tremendous gains possible from each of us doing what we do best.
Tough love for managers who need to give feedback
Five reminders for the managers (and executives) who need to step up how they deliver feedback to their reports.
Semantic satiation
When repetition causes a word or phrase to temporarily lose meaning.
How to build an audience using a content flywheel
How people build massive attention & audiences.
Still alive
Scott returns in Astralcodexten.
90% of everything is crap
Discovering Sturgeon’s law. Don’t be so quick to accept that something is not for you. Keep looking.
Visual design lessons from Dmitry Novikoff based on Big Sur Icons
Cinematic Backgrounds, Bevels and Highlights, Highlights and Shadows, Non-linear Gradients, Rhythm between elements, Structure of icons, Icon Perception.
Be secretly wrong
Being wrong is how you learn. Before you're publicly right, consider being secretly wrong.
The Secret Passion of Steve Jobs
Art experts and longtime friends share how Jobs extensive collection of shin-hanga Japanese woodblock prints could have shaped his ideals with their simple, clean aesthetics and attention to detail. NHK WORLD-JAPAN
Falling behind
Falling behind isn’t really something that can actually be caught up - it’s not falling behind at all, it’s missing out entirely.
Delicious Visual Map of History
By Tim Urban at Wait But Why.
Arguments and outcomes
Status roles, Affiliation, Convenience cause people to change their actions.
Good Designers Redesign, Great Designers Realign
The desire to redesign is aesthetic-driven, while the desire to realign is purpose-driven.
The Marketing Magic of MSCHF
By Coffeezilla
How to be a sponsor when you're a developer
Lara Hogan on how to be a sponsor.
Notes on writing for yourself
Discipline, synthesis, writing, learning mindset, meditation.
Hipsters On Food Stamps, Part 1
The economy doesn't care about intelligence, at all, it doesn't care what you know, merely what you can produce for it.
Opportunities Don’t Visit Caves
Start participating.
Embrace The Ordinary
This is not a popular message. Largely because it is hard to sell people consumer goods off the back of it. Don’t try to escape, embrace. Don’t dream, wake up. Don’t project or reflect or regret. Just try to take in this ordinary day in your ordinary life and enjoy it for what it is.
100 Tips For A Better Life
From ideopunk, cross-posted on LessWrong.
Steve Jobs on Apple’s Vision
What we're doing is we're building tools that amplify human ability.
Validation is a mirage
Truth is, you don’t know, you won’t know, you’ll never know until you know and reflect back on something real. And the best way to find out, is to believe in it, make it, and put it out there.
Launching a new local service business overnight with Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)
Normally if you want to use direct mail to advertise, you need a list of customers and their addresses. But EDDM (which is a relatively new offering from USPS) allows you to target specific neighborhoods for CHEAP.
Harsh truths that will make you a better person
Cracked. The world only cares about what it can get from you.
Draw the box smaller
If you’ve got big ideas and can’t seem to get people to buy in, it might not be your idea. Change how you communicate about it.
The opportunity you’ve been waiting for
Smart companies hire people who are passionate about what they do and determined to work there.
Tim Urban on validation
Remember that almost all creative journeys start lonely, supported only by a burning internal belief.
Aaron Swartz’s How to: Be more productive
It almost seems like common sense. But society’s conception of work has pushed us in the opposite direction. If we want to be more productive, all we need to do is turn around.
Natural technique doesn’t exist
If there are people who are playing at a different level than you who are embracing an approach that feels unnatural to you, you may have found the technique that you’ve been missing.
Optimal Overhead
Make sure you are at least no less productive with overhead than you were without it.
Social exploration: When people deviate from options explored by others
People are more likely to explore unknown options when they learn about known options from other people’s experiences.
Compress to impress
Encode important strategies in very concise and memorable forms.
Shooting and Storming Of The US Capitol In Washington DC
View Discretion Is Advised
Homesteading Mental Models
Never get tired of repeating your best ideas.
How to instantly show your value
Boilerplate advice
If this feels revelatory to you, you may have a bigger problem of insufficient real mentors in your life.
Why top entrepreneurs invest in executive coaching
Leaders cannot see what’s right in front of them (the best ones admit it).
Why isn‘t there a line at the library?
We can refuse to be brainwashed into accepting the status quo, and we can commit to finding the others, engaging with them and leveling up.
A reminder from Beeple
Fuck all of your excuses. Sit the fuck down and do your work.
Tell HN: Aaron Swartz died today, 8 years ago
Remember Aaron Swartz.
Whose Life Are You Living?
Are you letting life happen to you?
No Meetings, No Deadlines, No Full-Time Employees
Gumroad Founder & CEO on how they work.
Microsimulation of Traffic Flow
See what happens when you merely lower politeness.
10 Powerful Life Skills for the New Decade
Take compounding seriously, develop taste, sequence things well, see what others see, make and execute decisions quickly, spot a convex or concave world, tell stories, dive into the source, be specific, see systems.
Getting Rich: from Zero to Hero in One Blog Post
A rant from Mr. Money Mustache.
What I’ve Learned in 45 Years in the Software Industry
Beware of the curse of knowledge, focus on the fundamentals, simplicity, seek first to understand, beware of lock-in, and be honest and acknowledge when you don’t fit the role.
How to present to executives
Send an early draft to an executive attending the meeting and ask them what to change. If you listen to and apply that feedback, you'll figure out the other pieces as you go.
Steve Jobs: We don’t ship junk
Steve Jobs responds to a question from Molly Wood of CNET and Buzz Out Loud Podcast. Steve's answer defines Apple's product strategy.
Time of Our Lives: Songs from EVERY YEAR (1970-2020) DJ Earworm
A trip through time with one song representing each year from 1970 to 2020.
Maker's Schedule, Manager's Schedule
Each type of schedule works fine by itself. Problems arise when they meet. Since most powerful people operate on the manager's schedule, they're in a position to make everyone resonate at their frequency if they want to. But the smarter ones restrain themselves, if they know that some of the people working for them need long chunks of time to work in.
What Should You Do with Your Life? Directions and Advice
Alexey Guzey asks a lot of people about their life plans. At least half of them say that they have no idea where to move and are just coasting along, not sure what to do next. Therefore, this post.
Things you’re allowed to do
A list of things you’re allowed to do that you thought you couldn’t, or didn’t even know you could.
Great minds might not think alike
Fostering mutual understanding is really important for social cohesion and for truth-seeking. Doing this between two people who have similar thought patterns is relatively easy. Helping Republicans understand Democrats, economic elites understand middle-Americans, Shors understand Constances — that is hard. For that, you might just need a translator.
Meditation Tips for a Lifetime of Practice
Whether you’re brand new to meditation, or you’re interested in kick-starting your existing practice, I hope this post will have something helpful for you.
How James Clear runs his business
“2020 was my 10th year as an entrepreneur. Here are some ‘rules’ I try to follow after a decade of stumbling around building my company.”
Studio Ghibli scene photos
Over 1,000 photos from Studio Ghibli films.
100 Ways To Live Better
Meta, mind, body, stuff, place, the soul, career, and relationships.
“Science” as Curiosity-Stopper
It’s not a real explanation, so much as a curiosity-stopper. You don’t actually know anything more than you knew before I said the magic word. But you turn away, satisfied that nothing unusual is going on. Because someone else knows, it devalues the knowledge in your eyes. You become less curious.
The Anti-Calculator
This is calculating thought, always seeking what it thinks is a solution to a problem. Even the present itself is viewed merely as a trampoline toward a better result.
The Zen of Archery - you hit the target when you stop trying to hit the target
All content is content about the content of content. It is all the equivalent of a behind the scenes DVD extra for a film that doesn’t exist because the crew were all busy making the DVD extra instead.
Reasons You Aren't Updating Your Personal Site
Tips and strategies to painlessly manage a personal website.
The Ultimate 80s Medley
Van Halen, A-Ha, Tears for Fears, Depeche Mode, etc.
Your Job is to Make Art
Seth Godin at ConvertKit Craft & Commerce 2017
You Will Never Do Anything Remarkable
Signaling as a Service
You are engaging in a constant battle for attention and status.
When None Dare Urge Restraint
Everyone everywhere would be saying how awful, how terrible this event was; and that no one would dare to be the voice of restraint, of proportionate response. Once restraint becomes unspeakable, no matter where the discourse starts out, the level of fury and folly can only rise with time.
Stranger Than History
“I wonder if one could describe in enough detail a fictional story of an alternative reality, a reality that our ancestors could not distinguish from the truth, in order to make it very clear how surprising the truth turned out to be.”
The Virtue of Narrowness
What is true of one apple may not be true of another apple; thus more can be said about a single apple than about all the apples in the world.
Original Seeing
She was strangely unaware that she could look and see freshly for herself, as she wrote, without primary regard for what had been said before. The narrowing down to one brick destroyed the blockage because it was so obvious she had to do some original and direct seeing.
Do We Believe Everything We're Told?
Be more careful when you expose yourselves to unreliable information, especially if you’re doing something else at the time. Be careful when you glance at that newspaper in the supermarket.
Dark Side Epistemology
If you once tell a lie, the truth is ever after your enemy. The dangerous thing is to have a false belief that you believe should be protected as a belief—a belief-in-belief, whether or not accompanied by actual belief.
100 Tips for a Better Life
100 Tips for a Better Life — from LessWrong.
The Least Convenient Possible World
Always have a plan for what you would do in the least convenient possible world.
Correspondence Bias
The tendency to draw inferences about a person’s unique and enduring dispositions from behaviors that can be entirely explained by the situations in which they occur.
The Gap Between Having Good Taste and Doing Good Work
All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there exists a gap between our work and our ambitions.
Trends #0045 — Paid CommunitiesTrends #0045 — Paid Communities
Paid communities use strategic friction to build high-signal environments. Members are invested and engaged.
The Big Here and Long Now
Brian Eno on the Long Now.
The medical test paradox: Can redesigning Bayes rule help?
3blue1brown video about Likelihood Ratios, also sometimes called Bayes Factors.
The Fallacy of Gray
Everything is shades of gray, but there are shades of gray so light as to be very nearly white, and shades of gray so dark as to be very nearly black. Or even if not, we can still compare shades, and say “it is darker” or “it is lighter.”
Pace Layering: How Complex Systems Learn and Keep Learning
Pace layers provide many-leveled corrective, stabilizing feedback throughout the system. It is in the contradictions between these layers that civilization finds its surest health. I propose six significant levels of pace and size in a robust and adaptable civilization.
Pursuits of curiosity
In modern conversation, curiosity is forced to take a bit of a back seat. Make places consciously designed to arouse curiosity.
The Case Against Education
Zvi. As in: I See No Education Here.
Notes on The Case Against Education
Education works by resorting to signaling.
Creator hierarchy of needs
Publish, grow, monotize.
The Data-Driven Life
What happens when technology can analyze every quotidian thing that happened to you today.
Laws of Tech: Commoditize Your Complement
A post by Gwern. A classic pattern in technology economics, identified by Joel Spolsky, is layers of the stack attempting to become monopolies while turning other layers into perfectly-competitive markets which are commoditized, in order to harvest most of the consumer surplus; discussion and examples.
Who Americans spend their time with, by age
In adolescence we spend the most time with our parents, siblings, and friends; as we enter adulthood we spend more time with our co-workers, partners, and children; and in our later years we spend an increasing amount of time alone.
Laws of Tech: Commoditize Your Complement
A classic pattern in technology economics, identified by Joel Spolsky, is layers of the stack attempting to become monopolies while turning other layers into perfectly-competitive markets which are commoditized, in order to harvest most of the consumer surplus; discussion and examples.
“Science” as Curiosity-Stopper
Just because someone else knows, it devalues the knowledge in your eyes. You become less curious. Consider the consequences if you permit “Someone else knows the answer” to function as a curiosity-stopper.
Explain, worship, or ignore?
Select your option wisely.
Read the sequences
Rationality: From AI to Zombies.
How to kill the university
We need a better way to build and grow this super-community of communities.
Gwern Tea Reviews
Teas with reviews and future purchases; focused primarily on oolongs and greens. Plus experiments on water.
Hiroshi Yoshimura-Green (1986)
Lovely Japanese minimal ambient album.
Brick by brick — Will Smith
You don't say “I'm gonna make this build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that's ever been built,” you don't start there. You say I’m gonna lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid—there will not be one brick on the face of the earth that’s gonna be laid better than this brick. And you do that every single day.
How to build great products
Categorize features into three buckets: gamechangers, showstoppers, and distractions.
Happiness by Steve Cutts
The story of a rodent’s unrelenting quest for happiness and fulfillment.
Mark Osborne’s MORE
A stop-motion mixed-media short film that tells the story of an old, tired inventor as he struggles through joyless life in a drab and passionless society.
Follow Your Curiosity. Read Your Ass Off.
What’s important is the methodology: read your fucking ass off.
A place to write
The patterns matter. Streaks work. All part of your practice.
Mimicry vs Reflexivity
Reflexivity builds a positive feedback loop between perception and reality, and Mimicry breaks it.
Everybody Wants Thought Leadership Content. But How Do You Do It, Exactly?
What earned secrets do you have that you can pour into thought leadership content?
202 Nietzsche on Truth and Lie (1991)
Saving for later
Can you imagine a more important change than one in the relationship between intellectual curiosity and money?
The Art of Traditional Japanese Wood Joinery
Examples of traditional wood joineries which are still used today.
The Good Life Handbook by Epictetus
A book summary of The Good Life Handbook by Epictetus.
The Future of Agencies
Part of the Agency Acceleration Series hosted by SharpSpring, Seth Godin presents about his thoughts on the future of agencies.
How to Create Ridiculously Good Content
Part of the Agency Acceleration Series hosted by SharpSpring, Ann Handley presents how agencies can create ridiculously good content.
Positioning Your Agency
Part of the Agency Acceleration Series hosted by SharpSpring, David C. Baker presents a 15-minute session about how to position your agency
Networks and Power
A talk by Niall Ferguson on overcoming the tyranny of the now.
Three Cheers for Solutionism?
America’s COVID-19 experience also illustrates the need for indirect ways of modifying the structure of our problem even if we find ourselves constrained in attacking it more directly.
Why not seo and…?
SEO works best when it’s combined with other kinds of marketing.
This is real. That’s not.
You are not magically exempt from the possibility of ending up on the street.
Up and down the ladder of abstraction
A technique for thinking explicitly about these levels so you can move among them consciously and confidently.
How to achieve ultimate blog success in one easy step
Always Be Jabbing. Always Be Shipping. Always Be Firing. Pick a schedule you can live with, and stick to it.
How to read a book
How you can learn the most from a book — or any other piece of writing — when you're reading for information, rather than for pleasure.
Don’t call yourself a programmer
And other career advice from Patio11.
Becoming a Better Ancestor
A talk by Roman Krznaric on overcoming the tyranny of the now.
Seeing Whole Systems
A talk by Nicky Case on how to finesse complexity.
Why Correct Isn’t Useful
The difference between should and how.
Pain is not the unit of Effort
If it hurts, you're probably doing it wrong.
How Are You Doing?
A tough time can make it difficult to determine just how tough a time you’re having.
Hire people who give a shit.
A simple formula for success.
Introduction to Git and Github
I’ll understand one day.
Blogging vs. blog setups
A webcomic about computers and uncertainty.
How to Think for Yourself
Do you want to do the kind of work where you can only win by thinking differently from everyone else?
Digital Tools I Wish Existed
The core issue is an extraordinarily high level of friction in the process of finding, organizing, and sharing digital content.
All our selves in one basket
How society limits both individual and community self-expression both online and offline.
We’re Optimizing Ourselves to Death
we will remain the burnout generation.
Technical debt as a lack of understanding
Knowledge needs reorganizing to reflect the current understanding.
In Praise of the Gods
What the rationalistic world forgot.
The Big Lessons From History
The same story, again and again.
Simple explanations
How do you write simple explanations without sounding condescending?
I attempted to cross an entire country in a straight line. Part 1
What would happen if you tried to walk in a completely straight line across an entire country?
Raising Baby Grey, a Gender-Neutral Child
Meet a Bronx couple who are raising their child Grey in a gender-neutral way until they make a decision for themselves.
How to Be at Home (2020)
If you are, at first, really fucking anxious, just wait. It’ll get worse, and then you’ll get the hang of it. Maybe.
One Thing Leads to Another
A short film about collecting, cycling caps, art and design, personal connections and why it’s worth doing something for a long time, even if the benefits are not clear at first.
FrontPage: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Microsoft FrontPage has its thorns, but don't discount the fact that those thorns are attached to a rose.
I Lived Through A Stupid Coup. America Is Having One Now.
Indi Samarajiva on living through a stupid political coup in Sri Lanka and a warning to Americans.
A digital tool checklist
Fast, ownable, good design, portable, skills learned should outlive the tool.
A hypothesis is a liability
Let your fantasies run wild. There could be gorillas hiding in there.
Being Glue
Glue work demonstrates and builds strong technical leadership skills.
There's nothing ”WEIRD” about conspiracy theories
Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic.
Lessons about the Creator Economy
Consistency, community, collaboration, diverse monetization, come for the tool—stay for the network.
Low Effort, High Impact Content
meta, surveys, collate, round-ups, refreshes, spin-off.
Blade Runner Soundtrack Remastered 2017.
Networking for Nerds
Project, know your ask, make it easy.
News in the age of abundance
The news is like cereal.
Trends #0040 — Digital Products
Help at scale with digital products. While divorcing your time and money.
Trends #0014 — Paid Communities
Barriers change groups, make members more engaged as they aim to justify their investments.
Your blog is not a publication
Quality and depth, not volume and breadth. Library, not publication.
Find your rat people
The people that get what you do, appreciate it, and love you for it.
An exploration of the mechanisms that drive tribalism — and that offer a way out of it.
The incoming
Just for an hour, to turn it off. All of it. To sit alone and create the new thing, the thing worth seeking out, the thing that will cause a positive change.
Patrick McKenzie and David Perell
WoW leadership, writing online.
The Five Minute Museum
Thousands of pieces from small museums brought tos life to tell the story of human efforts.
Adam Savage’s 10 Commandments of Making
10 tips for makers of all ages and advice Adam would've given to himself if he was just starting out.
UX copy sells
When you write, you’re selling something: A story. A belief system. A product.
Woodblock Printing Process - A Japan Journey
The step-by-step process of making a woodblock prints.
Executive is not a real job, but if it were here would be its description
Convince smart people to work with you, allocate scarce resources, craft vision, break ties, curate culture, be held accountable.
How Does Do Science? │ Figuring out what's true
How we can learn about the world, how to test hypothesis, and the basics of science. What is science?
The student
Getting teachers, students, and reality on the same page.
Expecting Short Inferential Distances
A clear argument has to lay out an inferential pathway, starting from what the audience already knows or accepts. If you don’t recurse far enough, you’re just talking to yourself.
Election Day 2020: René Girard, Part 2
Understanding the 2020 Election through Girard’s worldview on mimetic desire, differentiation, and scapegoating.
How to Identify Destructive Leadership Patterns
People leave managers, not companies.
And a pony at your birthday party
Many of the interactions we have that are ostensibly for us are actually for other people. Once we can see who it’s for, it’s a lot easier to do it well.
Idea of Progress
A Bibliographical Essay by Robert Nisbet
When Money Is Abundant, Knowledge Is The Real Wealth
Past a certain point, money and power are no longer the limiting factors to get what we want.
Trillions of Questions, No Easy Answers: A (home) movie about how Google Search works
A (home) movie about how Google Search works.
Noticing and authorization
Who’s going to give you the authority to feel that what you notice is important?
Good things come to those who write
Attention is the most valuable resource.
The slippery excuse
Things are fragile, easily killed, and need only gentle encouragement to continue growing.
The Sequences
A series of posts on human rationality and irrationality in cognitive science.
The Treacherous Path to Rationality
A post about the hard path towards explicit reason.
Unexpected, Useless, and Urgent
Thinking about inbox management, RSS feeds, and email overload.
Seth Godin: writing every day
Seth Godin on David Perell’s podcast.
Facebook is censoring me and most of you too.
Margins by Ranjan Roy and Can Duruk on People, Not Algorithms.
Six Lessons from Six Months at Shopify
Familiarize yourself with their operating philosophy, teams ship what they’re empowered to ship, have someone understand every piece, create environments talent never leaves, software market runs on other software, compress learning.
This is Water by David Foster Wallace (Full Transcript and Audio)
David Foster Wallace's remarkable 2005 commencement speech, this is water, is a timeless trove of wisdom for living a meaningful life.
The Content Value Hierarchy (CVH)
The four levels of content value.
Should You Reverse Any Advice You Hear?
Every piece of social commentary is most likely to go to the people who need it least. Advice reversal might at least be worth considering.
Is Stupidity Expanding? Some Hypotheses.
Misperceiving an expanding stupidity or expanding stupidity is real and this explains it.
Beware the Casual Polymath
We live in times of great disaggregation, and yet, seem to learn increasingly from generalists.
The Only Way to Grow Huge
Have people recommend the product or service to other people.
Where do marketers turn for advice and inspiration?
Blogs aren’t dead, but marketers are discovering information in new ways.
How to read the news
The medium is no longer the message. The path it took to find you is the message.
From Consumer to Creator
Why you should start creating something, now.
A manifesto for small teams doing important work
It works because it’s personal.
Consumers Book
A book about the people who put stuff inside their head.
A Quarter Century of Hype
25 Years of the Gartner Hype Cycle.
The Death Of Lunch
We must re-learn the art of the proper lunch.
Be a creator, not just a consumer
Why you should write.
How To Be Successful
13 thoughts by Sam Altman about how to achieve outlier success.
The noncentral fallacy - the worst argument in the world?
You can’t suddenly change the moral value of things by calling them different names.
37 Ways That Words Can Be Wrong
Whatever the theory you can always be wrong.
Reactionary Philosophy In An Enormous, Planet-Sized Nutshell
A summary of reactionary thought.
An Unexpected Ass Kicking
With a computer you can make things. You can code, you can make things and create things that have never before existed and do things that have never been done before.
All In All, Another Brick In The Motte
The motte and bailey doctrine.
Ethnic Tension And Meaningless Arguments
“I’m pro-[topic]” doesn’t necessarily imply that you believe any empirical truths about [topic], or believe any moral principles about [topic], or even support any [topic] policies. It means you’re waving a little flag and cheering.
Casey Neistat - Thoughts on how I approach filmmaking
Expressing creativity using the most basic, accessible methods is the hardest thing to do and the purest. The very best steak houses serve their filet on a plate with nothing else. Shi*ty franchises cover theirs in sauce and other stuff to distract you from the fact that you’re eating dog food.
Proving Too Much
Proving Too Much is when you challenge an argument because, while proving its intended conclusion, it also proves obviously false conclusions. Because you don’t need an argument that can’t be disproven, only an argument that can’t be disproven in the amount of time your opponent has available.
All Debates Are Bravery Debates
There are some people who need to hear each side of the issue. And it’s really hard to target advice at exactly the people who need it.
On Being Bipolar
Living with a mental illness means always trying to be one of the “good” sick. When you are the bad sick, you become a cautionary tale.
A Few Rules
20 solid rules.
15 Spiky point of view examples
Is your point of view spiky enough?
Spiky point of view
A spiky point of view is a perspective others can disagree with. It’s a belief you feel strongly about and are willing to advocate for. It’s your thesis about topics in your realm of expertise.
The first 1960 presidential debate
Kennedy vs. Nixon in the first debate ever to be televised.
How to be professionally visible and valued as a remote worker
Visibility doesn't just refer to things that meet the eye. Discover how to feel seen and valued within your team as a remote worker.
The Stairstep Approach to Bootstrapping
Repeat one-time sales until you own your time. Then go after recurring.
When feedback works
In all other situations, attempts at giving feedback end up achieving nothing.
Book summary of Zero to One
Notes on startups, or how to build the future.
Free Child
A Yes Theory Short Film.
The moral panic that ensued when bicycles gained popularity
A wonderous Twitter thread.
James Burke – Internet Knowledge
Is the internet redefining knowledge?
The polymath playbook
A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.
The work of a word
As a word is slapped onto a greater variety of things, it loses power.
Salary Negotiation: Make More Money, Be More Valued
Let’s un-suck your negotiation. Never give a number first, listen and repeat, and more great advice.
Just how many people do we need doing that job, anyway?
Imagine if people were working at doing literally anything else, and preferably something they truly enjoyed at that.
Pricing low-touch SaaS
How to approach pricing and packaging a new SaaS app, by example.
Meeting everyone on a new team
Whenever you have a team of fewer than 150 people, meet with them one-on-one.
When can we talk about our systems?
Changing the system changes everything.
Patrick Collison Advice
The advice he'd give past him.
Be a Great Product Leader
A strong product leader acts as a force multiplier that can help a cross-functional team of great technologies and designers do their best work.
Principles for Great Product Managers
Inspired by Principles by Ray Dalio.
Dancing with belief
Sometimes, it’s easier for people to amend their belief with one more layer of insulation than it is to acknowledge how the world is likely to work.
respecting beliefs | why we should do no such thing
No authority is beyond ridicule.
We don’t sell saddles here
A memo from Stewart Butterfield, The best — maybe the only? — real, direct measure of “innovation” is change in human behavior.
Time to get back to magic
We’d be better off saying, “I need to get back to making magic.”
Designing a culture of reinvention
Culture is the behaviors that get you promoted or get you let go.
Logic | Philosophy Tube
Start with the conclusion, work your way back, separate the inferences from the rhetoric, and figure out the unstated assumptions.
Pre-tests of your agency’s positioning
Tests to apply before you make an initial positioning decision about your agency's work.
The lost tools of learning
The sole true end of education is simply this: to teach men how to learn for themselves; and whatever instruction fails to do this is effort spent in vain.
Memo to the modern COO
Stop seeking deniability before you seek impact.
RSA Shorts - The Attention Economy
The Royal Society of Arts commission, based on a lecture of James Williams.
The Attention Economy with James Williams
Freedom of attention in the times of digital distraction.
Kierkegaard's horror of doubt
A state of doubt – disorienting and horrifying as it could sometimes be – is the cornerstone of a sound philosophical practice.
How to make friends as an adult
Be bold, take the initiative, and you’ll be surprised how many people are pleased to connect.
The liking gap in conversations
People systematically underestimate how much people like them and enjoy their company.
The paradox of articulation
To speak, it is necessary to know one’s thought. But how can we know this thought as a reality made explicit and fixed in concepts except precisely by speaking it?
To all the jobs I had before
What I’ve learned from all those jobs I had before.
Tools should not only be for experts – they should turn us into them
Tools should never make people feel “too stupid” to use them or wonder why some features are even there.
Hire slowly, grow slowly
Slow team growth can be your competitive advantage.
In Defence of the Humanities
Scholars in the humanities are the bearers of the memory of civilisation, and their role in our society is indispensable.
Six Ways to Think Long-term
The tug of war for time.
Work on what matters.
How do you work on what really matters?
Are you a marketer?
Are you hoping to make things better? Then you’re a marketer.
The lies our culture tells us about what matters
David Brooks on a better way to live.
Don't Play Yourself
Selling on value instead of price.
The Best Self-Help Books of the 21st Century
Bold claims, add to reading list.
Limitless Is A Bonkers Franchise
America is obsessed with work.
We have the expertise but no clients. How to reach them?
ASK HN: Hacker news discussion.
Positioning Agency Brands
Position for profit and why a narrow positioning is the most lucrative and by far the easiest to sell.
Put dynamics in place that reinforce the ideas you’d like to see spread.
It’s not the bottom, it’s the foundation
People actually want to do a good job.
The two sides of stress: distress and eustress
Stress can be detrimental (distress) or beneficial (eustress).
“Because” vs. “and”
It’s not the line that’s causing the stress. It’s your interpretation of the line.
Polls vs the Street
Why do I never seem to meet these people on the street?
Curators Are the New Creators
The Business Model of Good Taste
Why haven't we celebrated any major achievements lately?
What will happen for future achievements?
The Startling Convexity of Expertise
Strong opinions, weakly held, are a cheap call option on information.
The Magic Email
A simple email template that you can use to raise deals from the dead.
Build a portfolio that appeals to employers.
Josh Comeau’s free book on effective portfolios.
Self-directed, project-based learning
Learning opens the door to the future we’d like to live in.
Steve Jobs Lost Interview 1990
“I should probably get going.”
Rick Steves’ The Story of Fascism
How fascism rose and then fell in Europe.
Unlimited information is transforming society
We’re just starting to understand the implications.
The Graphing Calculator story
The story of a software writer who refuses to go away.
Notes on “The Anthropology of Childhood”
Title says it all.
This video will make you angry
I watched this when it first came out in 2015.
Chief Seattle's letter to all
I came across this through The Power of Myth.
Learning gears
The three gears of learning in public.
How to create luck
Your entire worldview changes when you realize you can create luck.
How to negotiate and persuade
24 pro-tips for negotiating product decisions.
Why your present self doesn’t give a damn about your future self
How to accomplish your long-term goals.
Bret Victor - Inventing on Principle
You can choose to accept the world as it is. But you don't have to.
Proctoring apps subject students to unnecessary surveillance
These apps violate student privacy, negatively impact some populations, and will likely never fully stop creative students from outsmarting the system.
Soft skills are permanent skills
These permanent (soft) skills are what separates humans from machines.
Expiring vs. Permanent Skills
Expiring skills tend to get more attention. But permanent skills compound over time, which gives them quiet importance.
Bayes Theorem: A Framework for Critical Thinking
Learn why we think the way we do, and how we can do better.
Polluted water popsicles
Three art students collected polluted water from all over Taiwan and turned them into popsicles.
Subscription or no subscription? That is not the question.
Is there only one business model for software, and, well, for anything now?
From education to learning
An institution can educate you. Learning can’t be done to you.
Violent communication
If “violent” means acting in ways that result in hurt or harm, then much of how we communicate could indeed be called “violent communication.”
The Japanese concept of Ma is something that relates to all aspects of life.
On linear commerce
A great product needs an organic and impassioned audience. Captive audiences will need products and services tailored to their tastes.
Situational gravity
People are very good at stories. That’s our core technology. Everything else in the world, though, has no interest in them.
How to on-board yourself when you join a new team
If you wait to have information handed to you on a silver platter, it won’t happen.
Outreach Tips
Outreach tips (that are better than anything you'll find searching Google).
The job struggle answer
Only you have that data. And, the best thing you can do is believe in yourself to make that call.
Show pricing on website
If you won’t show your pricing, at least do this.
A user guide to working with you
It creates clarity on how you work—what you value, how you look at problems, what your blind spots or areas of growth are, and how to build trust with you.
Growth without goals
Long term “success” probably just comes from an emphasis on process and mindset in the present.
Why is it that the average adult doesn’t write more?
Why do we interface?
The past, present, & future of interfaces.
How to get freelance clients and keep them
A thread by Tom Hirst.
Things i don’t know as of 2018 — Dan Abramov
There is often an unrealistic expectation that an experienced engineer knows every technology in their field.
The liquid self
Social media doesn’t need to be what it has come to be.
The Closing of the American Mind, by Allan Bloom
Context with Brad Harris
Eyes light up (ELU)
You already know when people are excited to hear a story.
Don’t delegate using email
When it comes to delegation, don’t be seduced by the promise of a temporary fix to the momentary crisis of having something new to wrangle.
Ethical marketing
Ethical marketing in the GDPR, CCPA and no third-party cookies world.
Can a utility brand be an emotional brand?
An emotional tech product is a lifestyle product. It doesn’t necessarily solve a problem. It’s there for entertainment. It’s not a product that people need, it’s a product they choose.
Tools for keeping focused
Find tools, and ways of using my tools, that help you stay more focused.
Surrendering control
It's good to be half-baked.
Thiel on progress and stagnation
An organised presentation of Peter Thiel’s views on progress and stagnation
The rise of magical thinking
A video that attempts to explain the rise of QAnon, conspiracy theories, and magical thinking in America.
Summarizing books
How to distill ideas to accelerate your learning.
The law of shitty clickthroughs
First it works, and then it doesn’t.
Selling your time
When you sell your time, you’re giving away your ability to be a thoughtful, productivity-improving professional.
Ugly opportunity
It’s going to happen, and it’s best to expect it optimistically.
How to ask good questions
Some things to help you ask better questions and get the answers you want.
3 career perspectives
You never know if a good day is a good day in the moment.
The full stack startup
The old approach startups took was to sell or license their new technology to incumbents. The new, “full stack” approach is to build a complete, end-to-end product or service that bypasses incumbents and other competitors.
Loneliness is a big problem
We're alone by default instead of together by default.
The endless doomscroller
A lens on our software-enabled collective descent into despair.
Magical thinking vs. evidence seeking
A video about Trump, QAnon, and the return of magic.
Whatever scares you, go do it
Fear is just a form of excitement, and you know you should do what excites you.
Goals shape the present, not the future
Judge a goal by how well it changes your actions in the present moment.
When the old map is wrong, we can’t just draw a new line on it.
How to Read a Book by Charles Van Doren & Mortimer J. Adler
Actionable book summary by Ivaylo Durmonski.
Common hiring manager mistakes
If you’re just starting to think about hiring, focus on your hiring funnel first, but if you’re finding hiring to be a challenge, think through whether you’re running into one of these problems.
It’s not a problem, it’s an experience
That’s all it is: an experience, a feeling. Nothing to panic about.
Physical attractiveness bias in the legal system
In one study, the effects of physical attractiveness on judges were so influential, they fined unattractive criminals 304.88% higher than attractive criminals.
The ux of lego interface panels
Welcome to the world of LEGO UX design.
The value of spare capacity
The size of a tree depends not only on the seed, but how big is the pot you plant it in. Growth in life requires space, so why do we busy ourselves instead?
The worst tool for the job
Using the best tool for a job may slow things down. It may be “best” in a sense you don't need. The actual best tool might be relatively crude.
Introduction to screen readers using voiceover
Learn how to get started with VoiceOver, Apple’s built-in screen reader, to read and navigate web pages in this tutorial by Ethan Marcotte.
Reveal culture
Because you can tell someone to do something, but you can’t reveal someone to do something.
Showing up even when you’re not feeling it
Some days, you’re just not feeling it.
Joel Spolsky on Pricing
The more you learn about pricing, the less you seem to know.
Thinking for oneself
Wisdom is earned, not given. When other people give us the answer, it belongs to them and not us. While we might achieve the outcome we desire, it comes from dependence, not insight.
Where to find the hours to make it happen
The hours don’t suddenly appear. You have to steal them from comfort.
Pain vs discomfort
Is this painful, or just loud?
Goodbye Serenity by Charles Simic
I had expected that after everything I had lived through and learned in my life, I would attain a state of Olympian calm and would regard the news of the day with amusement… It hasn’t happened to me yet.
Universal Basic Income is Capitalism 2.0
Tim Robinson on Universal Basic Income.
Google Earth Timelapse
A global, zoomable video that lets you see how the Earth has changed over the past 34 years.
Akimbo S7 EP10
Seth Godin live at Catalyst 2010.
Some CSS comics
Learn about CSS features with comics by Julia Evans.
Overcoming content budget pushback
Running into budget pushback for your content marketing strategy? Listen to find out how to get buy-in by addressing ROI.
Nudge marketing: from theory to practice
Nudges are powerful influences in our everyday lives. Here's how to take nudge marketing from theory to practice.
How to find those hard-to-reach audiences
How to use SparkToro.
Lessons from Pricing Creativity
Peter Kang’s Lessons from Pricing Creativity by Blair Enns.
exurb1a on being an artist.
exurb1a on compassion
We’re clearly not going to solve the problems in the centuries ahead with compassion alone. But we could sure end the world without it.
Scenius, or communal genius
Scenius stands for the intelligence and the intuition of a whole cultural scene. It is the communal form of the concept of the genius
Watch this movie and think only about staging
Think only about staging, how the shots are built and laid out, what the rules of movement are, what the cutting patterns are.
How to reduce cognitive biases in yourself and in others.
Are you present-focused or future-focused?
Everyone knows about being introverted versus extroverted, but there’s another axis that makes a much bigger difference. It’s present-focused versus future-focused.
The non-urgent advance
Not a retreat, but a chance to advance.
The four quadrants of conformism
Aggressively conventional-minded, passively conventional-minded, passively independent-minded, and aggressively independent-minded.
Temporal discounting
The battle between present and future self.
Unbundling Excel
10 years after unbundling Craigslist.
Unbundling Craigslist
Vacation rentals link gave rise to AirBnB and HomeAway, Etsy dominated the arts and crafts for sale.
The waves never stop coming
And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you'll come out.
Today you, tomorrow me.
On being kind to strangers.
The story of u/SpontaneousH
Documented spiral of how little it takes to turn into a heroin addict.
The art of pricing freelance projects
By making pricing a topic of priority, you can use it to help better portray your true value to people.
Directives — part 1
Directives from Derek Sivers.
Stripe: building a developer cult
What makes Stripe a favorite of developers, the advantages of building a cult, and the how the little things add up for developers
Why the world needs deep generalists, not specialists
Anyone with internet access and a sincere desire to learn can access abundant information with the click of a button.
The 4 only scalable customer-acquisition channels
Unscalable channels have their place in customer-acquisition but if you want to build growth loops, you need scale.
Entropy theory
How chaos shapes industries and creates opportunities.
Looking for a new law
Richard Feynman on the process of looking for a new law.
Start a blog
How to start a blog that changes your life by Nat Eliason.
The Freud Moment
There’s a fair amount of insight into our current moment that you can acquire by reading old books. Human psychology hasn’t changed that much.
The Wet Codebase
Sometimes there is some context that is assumed and that context actually changes but you don't realize that. And so the next generation needs to understand what exactly was traded off and why.
Commercial vulnerability
If they can find someone or something cheaper than you, they’re going to work overtime to do so.
Diamond Dallas Page
Inspiring video from 2014.
Be your own mentor
No one is coming to save you.
How do you brand yourself as a freelancer?
7 simple tips on sales.
Don't sell the design.
Don't sell the design. Sell the business impact.
Every actionable book is actually two books inside
Actionable books are books that contain techniques or approaches you may apply to your life. Here's how to read them.
Professionals, hacks, and amateurs
The differences have little to do with skill, and a lot to do with resolve and intent.
Louis Rossmann: A message to the kid who called yesterday
This is why it’s worth it.
Thread on why Steve Jobs was successful
It was because Steve used his own products and constantly—CONSTANTLY—demanded they be better. In every little way.
Steve Jobs Masterclass
A decade ago, Steve Jobs sat down at the D8 conference for an interview with Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg. What followed was a masterclass in both company and product management.
White space
We can use it to identify what we value and what we don’t. What we need to use, enjoy to use and look at, and what we don’t.
Theory of change
The difference between effective and ineffective people is their skill at developing a theory of change. Rest in peace Aaron.
Video games are the future of education
The potential energy of human creativity is vast. We just need to give people tools, and creation will follow.
How to understand things
Read slowly, think slowly, really spend time pondering the thing.
Do not remain nameless to yourself
The worthwhile problems are the ones you can really solve or help solve, the ones you can really contribute something to.
A digital garden, not a blog
The phrase “digital garden” a metaphor for thinking about writing and creating that focuses less on the resulting “showpiece” and more on the process, care, and craft it takes to get there.
Writing less damned code
Code that don't exist is infinitely performant and extremely easy to maintain and document. A talk by Heydon Pickering.
Sixty orbits
What happens if we start celebrating our birthdays differently?
Job interviews don’t work
Better hiring leads to better work environments, less turnover, and more innovation and productivity. When you understand the limitations and pitfalls of the job interview, you improve your chances of hiring the best possible person for your needs.
Limiting beliefs
Your belief system could be the reason why you can't tackle that project or make a big career move. Learn how to overcome common limiting beliefs.
Toward a Psychology of Being by Abraham H. Maslow
Actionable Book Summary by Ivaylo Durmonski.
Good intentions make bad roadmaps
Typical roadmaps are glorified to-do lists. They hide uncertainty and focus on output. Avoid these mistakes and make your roadmaps leaner.
Why marketing is eating the world
If you want to win in the US software market, ironically, the best thing you can for your company is to really ramp up your performance marketing knowledge.
Managing Expectation
Be proactive.
Make me think
We need to know things better if we want to be better.
Derek Sivers on The Personal MBA
Derek Sivers’ notes on The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman.
It might not be for you
A meaningful specific can’t possibly please everyone. That’s the deal.
Individualism is not independence
In america, individualism and independence are willfully conflated.
Five Ways To Prioritize Better
Those people you admire, the ones who make you wonder how on earth they accomplish so much? Those people might work more hours than you or be more talented or more passionate. Or they might not.
How to improve your abstract thinking
A short summation on how to improve your abstract thinking abilities by HN users.
Solitude and leadership
A few excerpts that resonated from the speech of the week – “Solitude and Leadership” by William Deresiewicz.
Tell candidates what to expect from your job interviews
It sucks for everyone when a candidate is surprised with an unexpected interview.
Brand marketing vs. performance marketing
Most people want the long-term brand equity, but aren’t willing to live with the worse click-throughs or lower revenues.
Why we’re blind to probability
The idea that something can be likely and not happen, or unlikely and still happen, is one of the world’s most important tricks.
SEO statistics for 2020
Ahrefs provides a list of the most up-to-date SEO statistics.
Craft is culture
Two Truths and a Take, Season 2 Episode 23. Craft is culture. If you care about craft, you've done the hard part.
Why software is more profitable than content
Content products talk to humans, while software products talk to computers. That’s why the value of content decays faster than the value of software. And it’s also why software is the better business.
How many moons?
We assume that our neighborhood is like every neighborhood, that our situation and experience is universal.
Running like a dog
Dogs run. But they don't “go for a run.”
Lest we forget the horrors
A catalog of trump’s worst cruelties, collusions, corruptions, and crimes.
The cognitive style of powerpoint
PowerPoint is a competent slide manager and projector for low-resolution materials. And that's about it.
Model, document, and share
One of the trickiest, and most common, leadership scenarios is leading without authority.
From gut to plan: the thoughtful execution framework
Annina Koskinen presents a framework she's developed to help her teams at Spotify reach their goals and ship with impact.
Why do people buy workshop tactics when it’s availible for free?
What is the reason people buy Workshop Tactics? On the Workshop Tactics website, you’ll find 56 free product team workshop exercises. However, they aren’t unique. You’ll find them scattered around the internet and in various books. So if they are free, why do people buy the £89.99 card deck?
Successes and failures of startup content marketing
Content Marketer Dominic Kent runs through some real life examples of what has and hasn’t worked in content marketing - based on his own experience.
Growing and learning
The danger of a single story
Read the full transcript of the speech “The Danger of a Single Story” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
1968 Demo — The mother of all demos
Experience the “Mother of All Demos” presented by Doug Engelbart and team at the FJCC December 9th, 1968.
Peep Laja’s Advice to his 30-year-old self
30 bits of advice from Peep Laja, founder of CXL.
Why A-players make assertions
Assertions are the realm of professionals who navigate ambiguity and rigorous thinking.
Solving online events
Every time we get a new tool, we start by forcing it to fit the old way of working, and then one day we realise that it lets us do the work differently, and indeed change what the work is.
2020 Logo Trend Report
This report is an observation on the logo industry and isn’t meant as a guide for best practices.
Starting many things
By all means, find something that you can dedicate your life to, but make sure that you’re not just falling into place.
How to take smart notes
10 principles to revolutionize your note-taking and writing.
The ladders of wealth creation
A step-by-step roadmap to building wealth.
United States v. Forty Barrels & Twenty Kegs of Coca-Cola
A federal suit under which the government unsuccessfully attempted to force The Coca-Cola Company to remove caffeine from its product.
Differentiation Strategy
Marketing is a game of attention. You must differentiate your company to get it, yet hardly anyone does. Here's how to do it.
The WorldWideWeb Project
A historical short presentation by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau at CERN February 1991
Why everyone always hates redesigns, even when they’re good
The strange psychology that shapes your reactions.
Remembering training wheels
Risk, doing, falling, learning, progress. They all go together.
Consider a gap year
The discomfort people feel when they consider a gap year is precisely why we ought to spend more time considering it.
Naval Ravikant & Shane Parrish notes
Notes from The Knowledge Project by Danny Miranda.
Meeting spec (doing the minimum)
Committed professionals don’t ask, “how little can I get away with?” They view the work as a chance to make a difference instead.
The six levels of interaction with a system
Non-use, Use, Monitor, Maintain, Repair, (Re)build.
Idea generation
Any time you can think of something that is possible this year and wasn’t possible last year, you should pay attention.
Humans who are not concentrating are not general intelligences
Instead of “default to humility” (assume that when you don’t understand a passage, the passage is true and you’re just missing something) the ideal mental action in a world full of bots is “default to null” (if you don’t understand a passage, assume you’re in the same epistemic state as if you’d never read it at all.)
Aggregation Theory
The profound changes caused by the Internet are only just beginning; aggregation theory is the means.
Top 10 Articles by David Perell
David Perell’s top 10 articles.
Sell your by-products
Remember, when you make something you make something else.
Productizing A Freelancing / Consulting Business
How consultancies can get recurring revenue, deepen client relationships, and improve project outcomes by using some tactics from software companies.
What the hell is going on
In the past decade, the information environment has inverted from information scarcity to information abundance, and the effects are evident in every corner of society.
The three sides of risk
Tail-end consequences – the low-probability, high-impact events – are all that matter. Once you experience it, you’ll never think otherwise.
Conjuring Scenius
It’s time to build together. Why now is the time for communal genius, and how to create it.
The Medium Post is the Message
Two Truths and a Take, Season 2 Episode 18
A brief guide on what to do from the best in the world.
A small business isn’t simply a little version of a big business
Figure out what people need and bring it to them.
Tiny websites are great
Why building your own tiny website is a really great project that you should do.
Why bother?
Why bother building a digital garden?
Sell yourself, sell your work
If you've done great work without telling anyone you may as well not have bothered.
How To Write Great Microcopy
40 pro tips for writing microcopy.
Craft Beer, Rebranded
Evolution, revolution & creating a brand that sells more beer.
2020 Beer Branding Trends
The most important and staying beer branding and packaging trends from the last decade.
Two Words
The best way to sell to, brand, persuade, or inspire people is to condense your idea down to Two Words.
Alexander and the morning dip
A story from Alexander III’s (“the Great”) childhood.
A short history of color theory
A chapter from Programming Design Systems—a free digital book that teaches a practical introduction to the new foundations of graphic design.
We’re all connected, but the future is local.
And when does it get boring?
No one becomes a baseball fan because they read the baseball textbook and did well on the baseball test.
You’re at a crossroad. Now what?
Instead of killing your brain with thoughts – try it. Make it. Create it. Walk it.
The Canvas Strategy
Find canvases for other people to paint on.
How to Sell a B2B Product
Six lessons in selling B2B Products
More Information as a Competitive Advantage
More information is a competitive advantage, but it’s not enough.
Two ways to predict the future
Or, shotcallers versus worldbuilders.
68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice
Kevin Kelly, the founding editor of Wired, turns 68 and shares 68 bits of unsolicited advice.
The Changing World Order
An online series by Ray Dalio that studies the rise and fall of past leading empires that puts today’s economic, political, and policy situation into perspective of the big picture.
How I Built Resilience: Live With Guy and Simon Sinek
A conversation with Simon Sinek, whose books about business offer guidance to founders that is especially timely right now.
Wealth Shown to Scale
Inequality in the United States is out of control.
Minding Our Stories
Humans love stories, which makes stories a powerful medium of communication, and like all powerful things, they can be used for both good and ill.
Dear client: We need to talk
An open-letter to future clients. Let’s change the way clients see us.
It’s Time to Build
Every step of the way, to everyone around us, we should be asking the question, what are you building?
The Risk of Discovery
Newton made three bets. One of them worked. But they were all risky.
Being and Time
About an interesting book you probably shouldn't read.
Integrating Career and Family
Square’s Restaurant Product Lead on integrating career and family.
100 Things a Designer Should Know
Some are practical, some are poetic; all pay homage to the wonderful complexity of designing things for our fellow human beings.
250 Things an Architect Should Know
By Michael Sorkin
I Don’t Care What Google or Apple or Whoever Did
Accessibility or usability issues are often met with “But Google does this,” or “But Apple does this.” They get it wrong just as often as the rest of us.
Taste for Makers
Mathematicians call good work "beautiful," and so, either now or in the past, have scientists, engineers, musicians, architects, designers, writers, and painters. Is it just a coincidence that they used the same word, or is there some overlap in what they meant? If there is an overlap, can we use one field’s discoveries about beauty to help us in another?
The History of the URL
On the 11th of January 1982 twenty-two computer scientists met to discuss an issue with ‘computer mail’ (now known as email).
The Core Ideas of Self-Improvement
What are the core concepts you need to understand if you want to improve your life?
The conversation
A short manifesto about the future of online interaction.
How to get rich without getting lucky
Naval How to Create Wealth:
15 Customer Service Skills & How to Improve Each One
Nobody’s born with good customer service skills. But, anyone can master them. Here are step-by-step instructions to improve you or your team’s support
How To Digest Books Above Your “Level”
It’s not enough that you read a lot. To do great things, you have to read to lead.
Progress, Postmodernism and the Tech Backlash
Two Truths and a Take, Season 2 Episode 5.
Stop Stealing Dreams
Dedicated to every teacher who cares enough to change the system, and to every student brave enough to stand up and speak up.
The school where children make the rules and learn what they want to learn
The Summerhill School in England helped to pioneer the ‘free school’ philosophy, in which lessons are never mandatory and nearly every aspect of student life can be put to a vote. Centered on the belief that "if the emotions are free, the intellect looks after itself."
Costco Capitalism
How Costco can sell things for the lowest prices and step on the least amount of toes.
A day at the park
The only way a question can prove itself unworthy is by attracting a better question.
You're the only one who has heard all of it
Tell us what we need to know. Not because you need to hear yourself repeat it, but because you believe we need to hear it.
Web Design: The First 100 Years
However much we insist that it will get swept away by a new generation of better technology, it stubbornly refuses to go. Our industry has deep roots in the past that we should celebrate and acknowledge.
You’re probably using the wrong dictionary
Your destination is the dictionary.
Educated Fools
Why democratic leaders still misunderstand the politics of social class.
How important is work?
How important should work be in your life? What kind of relationship should you have with your career? If you don’t feel like you have that, what should you do about it?
The Crucial Thinking Skill Nobody Ever Taught You.
Things I believe
A collection of things @JanStette believes about software development.
Simple Made Easy
Rich Hickey emphasizes simplicity's virtues over easiness', showing that while many choose easiness they may end up with complexity, and the better way is to choose easiness along the simplicity path.
Information Overload is a Fake Problem
The explosion of stuff to learn hasn't been matched with the explosion of stuff online. The latter has indeed increased exponentially, but useful knowledge hasn't.
Words Are Hard
An Essay on Communicating With Non-Programmers
The Internet of Beefs
We are not beefing endlessly because we do not desire peace or because we do not know how to engineer peace. We are beefing because we no longer know who we are, each of us individually, and collectively as a species.
The Risks of Imitating Designs
Even great companies make mistakes. Don’t risk your UX by assuming it’s safe to follow a design pattern just because it’s used by a successful company.
The Basecamp Guide to Internal Communication
The how, where, why, and when we communicate. It's all in here.
The Story of Us — Full Series
A Wait But Why series that covers approximately everything. Turns out “Us” is a big topic.
Color Theory and Contrast Ratios
Color, at its core, is a relative and personal experience.
Army leadership and the profession
Leadership is influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.
Don't Learn to Code
Avoid thinking of writing code as the goal and learn to solve problems.
Mental models for designers
Curious about product design at Dropbox? Here’s a look at tools they use for solving problems, making decisions, and communicating ideas.
Thinking about color
Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment - Claude Monet
Statement of Resistance
A Powerful Statement of Resistance from a College Student on Trial in Moscow
Attachment Science
Romantic expectations are often ridiculous and unhelpful, enter attachment science.
Productivity Shame
5 strategies to end the cycle of "never enough"
Typography Books for Designers
A Review of the Best Typography Books for Designers.
Accessibility drives aesthetics
You don’t need to sacrifice aesthetics in order to be accessible.
No, Absolutely Not
What you need to build a great website is restraint.
Söhne design information
Söhne is the memory of Akzidenz-Grotesk framed through the reality of Helvetica.
The Bus Ticket Theory of Genius
Everyone knows that to do great work you need both natural ability and determination. But there's a third ingredient that's not as well understood: an obsessive interest in a particular topic.
Stab a Book, the Book Won't Die
On the resilience of books in the face of apps, attention monsters, and an ad-driven online economy.
Earth and Sun
About space and how our planet moves through it.
Examples of Nudge Theory
Examples of indirect suggestions to influence the behavior and decision making.
Three Big Things
The Most Important Forces Shaping the World.
Shape up
Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters.
Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman
Some remarks on science, pseudoscience, and learning how to not fool yourself. Caltech’s 1974 commencement address.
A Brief Rant On The Future Of Interaction Design
Hands do two things. They are two utterly amazing things, and you rely on them every moment of the day, and most Future Interaction Concepts completely ignore both of them.